Chapter 5 : the funeral

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It's been 2 weeks and today was the day you were actually going to say goodbye to your mother.

You got into your long elegant black dress that was picked for you and you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Your eyes were puffy and honestly you thought you looked horrible.

"You look just like her," your father says walking in.

You ignored his comment. He pretended like your mother didn't exist for all these years and didn't care for your feelings either.

"I loved your mothe-"

"Loved?" You scoffed.

"She's gone now so-"

"If you really loved her then your love for her wouldn't have just died out just because she's not here," you say storming out to head to the ceremony.

The ceremony was held beautifully just like how you imagined it and you tried to not cry.

You look to your left and see Prince Zuko and Princess Azula enter walking together towards you fashionably late.

"We came in behalf of the king too, we are sorry for your loss," Azula says.

Azula was barely even a friend you didn't really like her. You knew she didn't care or want to be here. You knew her enough to know that.

"You can cut the act with me Azula you know you didn't want to be here," you sigh looking over at Zuko too.

"You know me that well, I'm surprised but hey having no mother is not too bad," she says smirking.

"Azula," Zuko interrupts, "I'm sorry genuinely."

Zuko probably meant it so you just smiled at him before walking away.
You honestly couldn't be bothered to talk right now.

You got yourself a drink of water away from people and while you were drinking Zuko joins you.

"I know how it feels to loose a mother trust me I was once in your shoes," he says grabbing some water too.

"Do you?" You ask unconvinced.

"Yeah," he says taking a little sip, "When my mother died nobody really cared at all except me. Even now nobody really remembers her, it's like she never existed."

You could hear the pain in his voice no matter how much he concealed it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure she was amazing," you say smiling softly and rubbing his shoulders.

It then hit you. He killed the avatar. Your smile faded letting go of him and distancing yourself from him a little.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused in your change of aura.

"Is it true, you killed the avatar?" You ask genuinely confused if he did or not since he didn't look like a cold blooded murderer.

He stands there in silence. Zuko knew what actually went down that day, it was all Azula. In fact he was never 100% convinced that the avatar was dead. He sent an assassin too but recently he's been having a change of heart. He planned on running away and finding the avatar to apologise in hopes in joining him to defeat his father.

"No he's alive," he whispered quietly but loud enough for you to hear.

"What?" You say moving closely to him, "So you didn't kill him?"

"It was never me it was Azula but I only recently found out he was alive."

"Wow," you say feeling hopeful for once.

"You seem happy about the news?"

"Something like that," you say, "I just can't live like this anymore."

"Come with me."


"To the avatar, we can help him defeat my father-"

"I can't Zuko," you say.

"Why?" He asked confused with your awnser.

"I have duties here and I just can't leave the prison I work in since my father's gone for now preparing for something-"

"That something is Sozin's comet, my father plans to basically burn down the earth kingdom are you just going to stay here and do nothing while that happens?" he says.

"No but the avatar-"

"He is going to need people like you, you're probably the only person who is strong enough to take down Azula too if it comes to it."

"I'm not that strong Zuko."

"You are, I have heard about you in school a lot too even Azula wants to be like you," he says hyping you up.

"I guess you're right burning down the earth kingdom is evil I can't believe it has come to that now but there's something I must do in the prison before I go anywhere with you."

"It's fine I have things to do too, I will land a fire nation air balloon near the prison your at during the night 2 days from now, will you be there?" He asks.

"I will," you reply confidently as long as the avatar still lives there was hope again for you.

"Cool, see you then," he smiles before going to Azula who was talking to your father.


Short chapter but we going to meet the gang soon ‼️‼️🔥


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