Chapter 10: Training

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You woke up at that morning feeling very rested. You haven't slept properly for the longest time but last night you finally had one of those well deserved rests.

You got up and got ready for the day before wearing the same light fire nation shirt and trousers as Zuko was wearing.

"Morning," you say seeing Sokka make some food.

"Oh your up Y/n," Sokka says as he finishes making his breakfast.

"Yup how was your sleep...," you trail on remembering you don't know his name.

"Sokka, aka the non bender with super cool boomerang skills," he says showing off his boomerang, "I slept ok thanks for asking."

"Nice to meet you Sokka," you chuckle slightly as you took some breakfast bread and ready made tea.

After you finished eating your breakfast you could see Zuko and Aang about to practice some fire bending so you decided to watch them.

"Now show me any sort of fire bending you can make," Zuko says as you joined them standing next to Zuko waiting for Aang to do some fire bending.

"Don't mind me just watching," you say before cheering him on.

Aang breathed in heavily before he did his weak attempt at fire bending. Only smoke came from his hands making you slightly shocked at his fire power.

"I'm a little bad maybe I need a demonstration, Y/n? Your fire bending is cool-" Aang began to say before he was cut off by Zuko.

"I'll show you!" Zuko says before getting position.

"Okay," Aang says as you moved to stand next to Aang as Zuko prepares himself.

"You might want to take a couple of steps back," Zuko says warning Aang making him step back even further.

Zuko breathed in and out before releasing a small amount of fire power from his palms. His bending for some odd reason was just as bad as Aang's.

"What the hell was that, that was the worst fire bending ever," he says before attempting another time only to get the same outcome.

"Hmm," you say observing his fire bending trying to find out the problem since he was normally a good fire bender.

"I thought it was nice," Aang adds on trying to lighten up his mood.

"Argh!" Zuko shouted at himself trying to fire bend with only smoke coming out of his palms.

"Maybe it's the altitude," Aang says rubbing the back of his head trying to understand what was wrong.

"Yeah maybe, I'm going somewhere else I will be right back so Y/n show him," Zuko says walking away in embarrassment.

You tired to help Aang while Zuko was practicing else where. He was too scared and he didn't know how to increase his fire power.

You told him to rest for a bit and that you were going to practice with him again tomorrow morning while you thought about what's wrong with him and what was also wrong with Zuko too.

"I've got an announcement to make," Zuko says while you all were sitting around the fire place drinking soup that evening, "I've lost my stuff."

"Don't look at me I didn't take your stuff," Toph says in defence.

"No I mean my fire bending," Zuko says making Katara laugh.

"What do you mean you lost your fire bending?" Jet asks before sipping onto his soup.

"I don't know I can no longer fire bend like how I could before," Zuko replied.

"Maybe be your not as good as you thought you were," Katara remarked sassily.

"Ouch," Toph says.

"It's not that, I just don't have anything to fuel my bending, I used to fuel it off anger but I'm no longer angry," he says trying to think about what's wrong with himself.

"You need to find a new source, have you tried contacting the original source of fire benders? For me it's the badger moles," Toph says.

"I can't, the orginal source were the dragons but now they are extinct," Zuko huffed.

"There not extinct, there used to be so many around when I was a kid," Aang says.

"Well there no longer around OK," Zuko replied getting irritated.

"Maybe you guys should go to that ancient sun temple it's not far from here maybe you can find something there," you suggested trying bring hope in their fire bending.

"I don't see why not," Aang replied.

"True hopefully we can find something," Zuko replied as he grabbed his soup since he was hungry.

That morning Aang and Zuko left on the bison as you waved them goodbye.

"Y/n," Jet said standing behind you.

"Yeah," you reply getting a little startled by him as you turned around, "What's up."

"I was kind of wondering if you could you know since Aang is off with Zuko if you could teach me some of your moves," Jet says rubbing the back of his head.

"My moves?" You chuckle.

"You know, your cool non bending moves."

Ever since Jet apologised to you he's been acting sort of shy towards you all of yesterday. You tried not to notice all these little things but you couldn't help yourself.

Your view of him has changed but you weren't sure in what way it has changed. All you know is that you were beginning to like him a little much more than before.

"My non bending moves yeah," you chuckled slightly making him smile.

"Yeah those skills I saw the other day, you pretty strong," he says.

"Not really that strong but I can teach you what I know if you like," you say doubting your combat abilities a little.

"You're humble about yourself aren't you."

"Something like that," you say, "I'm going to work out a bit but I will join you in about an hour."

"Okay that's cool," Jet says walking backwards, "Have fun working out."

"Yeah I will I guess," you say chuckling before walking away.

"Who says have fun working out," Jet says speaking loud enough to himself to hear after turning around from embarrassment.


Sorry for the delay with this chapter I will try to be posting a few chapters every week from now on since Easter break is over and it's close to exam season :/

As always please vote love uu <3

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