Chapter 15: miscommunications

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You and Jet haven't spoken since last night. It was now the evening of the next day and Zuko and Katara have just came back from their trip to hunt the southern raiders that attacked Katara and Sokka's village when their mother died.

He's been avoiding you all day while he and Sokka went hunting for food. You spent the day relaxing with Katara as she looked after you.

"You cannot over work yourself anymore y/n until your healed fully," Katara went on as she began healing you some more.

"Yes I know," you sighed as you did nothing.

"I hope you know because I can't stress this enough," Katara says as she finished her session healing you.

You get up and agreed ensuring her.

You noticed that Jet and Sokka came back. He looked at you as both your eyes locked for a second before he looked away. You sighed annoyed at yourself for getting into this situation.

After an hour or so of chatting with Katara you heard Sokka say the fish was ready.

You avoided sitting next to Jet so you sat between Katara and Zuko with him opposite you.

The group of you began talking but all you could think about was Jet.
Why was he so mad.

You subtly looked at Jet who was laughing with Sokka and Suki about something you were not familiar with.

While he was talking with everyone listening you took this as a chance to look at him. You always knew he was attractive but you never really admitted that out loud.

His long hair was tied back in a low bun with two strands hanging in front. His eyes were dark brown with the shine of light of the fireplace glowing in the middle.

He was beautiful but you tried to brush those thoughts away. You thought it was silly and childish.

"Anyways we got to hide out somewhere else now tomorrow morning," Zuko said as everyone started to finish eating, "Azula is somewhere behind us."

"Yeah but where should we go?" You asked putting your empty bowl down of soup.

"I know a place trust me nobody will find us," Zuko replied getting up to go to his tent, "So let's get some sleep we got a long morning."

"Goodnight everyone," Sokka says going to his tent with Suki following behind him.

It was only you, Katara, Jet and Aang left after Toph got up.

You glanced at Jet who didn't even look your way before getting up to go to his tent. He was clearly still not interested in talking to you right now so you just let him go.

"Whats going on with you and Jet?" Katara asked in a whisper tone curious about what happened between the two of you after Aang got up leaving the two of you.

"It's kind of a long story," you sighed laying your head back and looking up at the stars.

"I've got time."

"He's just overprotective and doing too much," you summed up.

"Is that all?" Katara replied unsatisfied with your awnser.

"I don't know myself. All I remember is that I got angry at him and said things I should've not said so he got angry and he stopped talking to me."

"What did you tell him to make him that angry at you?"

"Something about how he used to hate me and that he should stop acting like he cares that much-"

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