Chapter 13: The Boiling Rock (part 2)

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All the prisoners were in their rooms so Sokka took this as an opportunity to go to his Dad's cell.

"Thank Goodness you're okay," he says walking towards his father.

"If you come towards me I will show you just how okay I am," he says in defence unaware that it was his son under that fire nation guard uniform.

"It's me Dad," Sokka says putting up his helmet so his Dad could see.

"Sokka," he says pulling his son into a long hug.

The two of them talked as they discussed a plan to escape through the gondola.

After a while Sokka went into Zuko's cell to explain the plan as well as visiting you too. He was cut short as both you and Zuko were taken away into separate rooms.

Sokka also ran into Jet and asked him to manipulate one of the guards in freeing the prisoners from their cells even though they were currently in a lockdown.

"Got it," Jet said before leaving.

Jet had about under a hour to think of a plan to persuade the guard so that the plan can go soothly.

"Where are you taking me?" You said irritated by how harsh the guards were dragging you.

"Shut up," one of them said before throwing your body into an empty room, or so you thought it was an empty room.

You look back to see them shut the door and then look to the right to see a dark figure come out of the shadows so you could observe their face.

"Noya," you mumbled suprised to see your brother here.

"Y/n," he says walking towards you expressionless, "So it really is you."

"What do you mean by that? And why are you here? How did you find me-"

"Too many questions relax little sis," Noya says calming you down a bit, "Do you have any idea about what you have done?"

"So it's true what the warden said," you muttered thinking about what the warden said to you.

"Father is going crazy, you really disgraced our honourable name."

"Noya please you have to understand-"

"Understand what Y/n!" He interrupted shouting at you, "If I didn't get the call about you being here, Dad would be here. Don't you understand how messed up our family is right now. Like why did you think it was a good idea for you to escape with a prionser and leave the prison unattended?"

"It's not about me Noya what is it you don't understand! Our family was already messed up when mother went into her coma."

"Don't bring mother into this," he said in a low tone, Noya loved her more than you did and more than anyone.

"You know I didn't mean it like that-"

"I know but why, I'm trying so hard to bring our family together with whatever is left but mother dying, you betraying our family and Dad wanting to kill you is making it impossible," he said to you trying to keep composed.

"The pieces in our family is too broken to be fixed, there's nothing left anymore I have to do this," you pleaded.

"Im trying to be more optimistic but why betray us?" He asked genuinely trying to understand why.

"This war has dragged on too long it's my duty to help end it," you replied walking up to him and placing your hand onto his left shoulder, "We don't need to suffer anymore."

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