Chapter 2: The Lieutenant

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Jet was sleeping but got woken up when he saw 2 men dressed in red fire nation scrubs. A solider walked into his cell applying chains to his arms and legs so he didn't escape.

He was hesitant at first as they caught him off guard.

He widened his eyes to wake himself up more as he was escorted down a corridor to this medical room.

There he laid down while he was being unwrapped and treated with medicine he has never seen before. He got bandaged up in some places but not all. He felt more free compared to his old bandages.

He was then escorted back to his cell with food waiting for him as he returned.

"Have one pill a day with water after you eat for the next three days," the doctor with him instructed as the soldier uncuffed him and shut the gate locking it.

"Whats in this thing? You want me to just eat it," he complained holding it up in the air with 2 fingers as he examined it.

"Don't worry just swallow it and don't chew on it," the doctor says slowly getting annoyed with his questions.

"But what if I don't-"

"If you don't want to cooperate with us, it will only make your life more difficult here," you cut in as you walked in.

"Lieutenant Khazumin," the solider said as he saluted.

You nod in respect and focused your attention back to the prisoner.

"Leave us," You instructed.

Both the soldier and doctor left closing the door behind you as you stood in front of his cell.

"Lieutenant huh," he scoffed looking at you up and down.

"Problem?" You asked moving closer to his cell but not too close just enough to see what he's doing.

He ignored your question as he took a bite of the cold porridge making a face of disgust as he attempted to swallow. He had no other choice but to eat.

"You love watching me eat don't you?" He questioned as he remembered his encounter with you yesterday making him chuckle slightly, "It's nice why don't you come in and taste it for yourself?"

It was only natural he thought you looked weak. You were far too young to be a lieutenant so you let him think that to your advantage.

"I'm good."

"Suit yourself."

You read about him in your prisoner report. He's met the avatar. Lately you have been feeling hopeless about the news concerning the avatar. You finally thought that someone could bring peace to the world again until you heard prince Zuko had killed him in Ba Sing Se.

"Aren't you a bit young?" He asked.

"Old enough."


He took the pill and swallowed it with his water.

"You can leave now. I can't stand the air when a fire nation murderous scum is breathing in the same room as me," he muttered to you.

"Fire nation murderous scum? You don't even know me and you're already making assumptions about me," you replied in a calmly manner.

"All of you fire benders are the same in this nation. All you guys want is power not a care in the world about what happens to people like me," he says, anger building up in his voice.

He was definitely blinded by anger there was no point speaking to a guy like him. You just wanted to leave before he got under your skin.

"Just so you know," he says grabbing the bars on his cell trying to grab your attention one more time before you left, "The avatar is back and he's going to finally end your nations rule for good sending you all back to where you came from."

You turned around facing him as he glared at you waiting for a reaction. He looked into your eyes filled with nothing. He couldn't see anger or any sort of emotion in them. It was like you were empty.

"Sorry to break it to you but the avatar is dead."

You shut the door behind you locking it leaving him alone to digest the news you gave him.

You walked to your training quarters changing into something you can move around in.

"Y/n? We have training today?" Leena asked herself looking at her schedule.

Leena is your trainer here in the prison to help you master skills above the ability of most common fire benders. She was one of the greatest fire benders in the old generation.

"No but I have fuel to burn," you say stretching. Whatever Jet said seemed to struck a nerve in you but you kept composure.

"Want to prefect your lightning technique? We can go outside the clouds are lovely today, nice and dark," she suggested walking towards the door.

"Ok," you reply following behind her.

You were outside just above the courtyard to your right in the prison. You always did your training here as your father wanted to make sure the prisoners knew that you were not just a young girl who happens to be lieutenant.

"Get yourself into the form just like I showed you yesterday," she says watching you get into position.

"Good, let see how it goes your getting better this may be the one," she says grabbing a seat away from you, "Okay start!"

You took a deep breath in feeling the wind blowing around you sucking enough air in. You felt the flame within you burn as you moved your arms in a specific motion generating electricity the more you moved.

You let out a surge of electricity aiming it in the direction above the court yard.

A powerful lightning struck and hit the clouds above grabbing everyone's attention below you.

"Almost perfect Y/n we need to learn to control it more when I come back next month."

"Next month?" You ask walking towards her unsure what she meant.

"I am needed for an important meeting hosted by the fire king so I'm leaving the island tomorrow evening. I was going to let you know in our training tomorrow afternoon but I guess I can tell you now," she says.

"I see but a whole month?"

Leena was like a mother figure to you. You really admired her and learned a lot from her in the last 2 months.

"Yes I will be there for a while same with your fathe- I mean the warden. But your strong and skilled enough to run this place alone, your stronger than you think."

"Thank you master Leena," you say pulling her into a hug.

After practicing more bending for the last hour you decided to go to your room to shower and change back into your uniform to carry out the rest of duties you had for the day.


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