Chapter 14: Bottled up feelings

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It's been 2 days since the escape.

Your body has been in a lot of pain but thanks to Katara you were able to find a way to manage and you were healing faster than usual.

You were training above the air temple when you were interrupted.

"You need to relax y/n," Jet says walking up to you doing push ups.

"I'm fine Jet," you say getting up to face him to show your okay.

Lately he's been always checking up on you. At first you to thought it was nice of him but now it's starting to become repetitive and slightly annoying.

"Y/n you were struck by lightning you shouldn't take that lightly on your body."

"But I have Katara who has been constantly healing my body, look," you say lifting your shirt a little to show your wound almost healing.

It felt wrong of him to be looking at your lower stomach making him slightly blush and look away.

"Okay I get it," he said lowering his gaze away from you.

"I know the scar looks ugly," you chuckled walking back a bit to continue your workout.

"It's not that, you still look good and the scar makes you look more cool," he says looking back at you.

You laughed at his comment before doing sit ups.

You truly were one of a kind to him. He admired your strength and your ability to stay strong.

It made him think how he never got to talk to you about how you were feeling about your Dad and your brother since you escaped from the prison. He thought maybe this could be the right time to ask you.

"Y/n?" Jet asked softly.

"Yeah," you replied stopping what you were doing and looking up to him.

"I just wanted to ask how your doing with all this stuff with your Dad and now your brother-"

"I'd rather not talk about it right now," you say cutting him off before doing some stretches on the floor.

"Y/n come on you're going to need to talk about it at some point."

"It doesn't matter how I feel. What matters now is preparing my body back to fight so I can help Aang."

"What you feel matters-"

"It doesn't matter how I feel life sucks I know but I'm not going to sit around and be in my feelings all day."

"It does matter-"

"No it doesn't-"

"It does matter to me ok," Jet said sick of being interrupted by you causing you to freeze.


"You can't bottle up all your feelings and pretend to be happy. How you feel doesn't make you selfish y/n it's okay to be sad your human and everything going on with your life is too much and you deserve to talk to someone," Jet says making your stomach hurt as he successfully broke through your emotional barrier you had up.

He was right you were bottling up your feeling. For the last 2 nights you couldn't sleep. The thoughts of what your dad could do to your brother Noya was eating your mind up at night.

You cried yourself to sleep last night and now you no longer had tears left to give.

Or so you thought.

"I think I'm okay," you say tears starting to form in your eyes.

Jet kneeled down before wrapping his arms around you.

Jet x Reader  | The Light Within My DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz