Part 23: The Relationship

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For the past few days, I've spent all my time perfecting our tour performances and still working on new music. Anything to keep me busy to not think of her. We haven't spoken in 3 days and my birthday is in 3 days.

Today is our album release, this morning we released videos on all our platforms to celebrate and sat with management seeing the comments flood with love. Along with messages from family and friends, Billie and I spoke for the first time.

Congrats on the album
I love it, you sound amazing
I miss you

Thank you Bills
I miss you too
Can I see you tomorrow?

Of course 🤍

Currently we're at our album release party, Sarah surprised us with all of our friends and many celebrities.
Me and the boys get on stage to start the party. "First of all I'd like to thank everyone for coming today it means a lot, then I'd like to thank my band mates" Grayson says putting his arms around River and I, "this album has been nothing but hard work. And finally thank you to management for working behind the scenes, let's party"

We jump of the stage to see cheesy grins on Emma and Mia's faces, I wish Billie was here. We all group hug before going to the bar and doing a number of shots. I spot Kamillie from across the room.

"Hey how are you! Thanks so much for coming" I greet her pulling her into a hug

"I'm good thanks our song sounds great" she says

"It does, thank you for all your help it meant a lot" I say honestly

"It's no problem I'd love to work with your guys more" she says

"Consider it a deal" I reply

Rejoining my little group, we drink and dance to our own songs playing over the speakers. Seeing everyone dance along brings me great joy our hard work is paying off. Everytime I've gone out recently it's ended in disaster, I'm glad I've got my best friends to take care of me in a room full of people only here to support me.
Heading over to the bar, I order more drinks. A woman appears next to me ordering more drinks.

"Cari right?" I say. We've followed each other on instagram for a while now but never interacted. I knew she was at the party in the hills , I said hi in passing but we didn't get a chance to speak.

"Yeah, congrats on the album" she says "I love every song"

"Thanks so much, your new album was amazing. The lyrics in doing better had me shocked"

"In a good way I hope" she says with a smirk. Is she flirting? I hope not.

"Of course" I reply innocently

"I can't believe its taken us so long to meet" Fletcher says

"I know, honestly I need to immerse myself more in the lesbian community, I haven't had time since getting to LA" I explain

"Let me know if you ever want to and I'll introduce you to a few people maybe come to a party?"

"I'd like that" I say with a lighthearted smile

She pulls her phone out to pay for her drinks "here let's post a selfie get you into the gay community" I pose as she plants a kiss on my cheek and see the photo we both look good.

"Tag me" I say.

"So you dating at the moment" she asks

"Yeah, I have an amazing girlfriend" I answer

"Well that's good to hear" she smiles. She seems genuinely nice.

At the end of the night, we all get dropped home as Sarah planned us a car, we got a little too drunk but it's our night.

Getting in, I pull out a pizza from the freezer and put it in the oven. I pull out my phone and scroll aimlessly through TikTok my whole fyp is edits of either blue moon or billie. I'm not complaining. Suddenly the door bell rings, I get up sluggishly and answer it.

It's Billie?

"Hey I was just watching an edit of you" I say smiling

She pushes past me getting into the house. "Are you fucking kidding me? You don't talk to me for 4 days for my mistakes and you're running around with Fletcher doing the same thing?" She shouts

"Woah what are you on about" I reply confused

She opens her phone before showing me fletchers story "This"

"I met her at my album release party, she offered to introduce me to the lesbian community in LA, and then posted a photo that's all, I didn't see her the rest of the night" I say

"Posting a picture of that when I haven't spoken to you drove me wild" she says

"Oh really baby" I say smirking to which she playfully hits me "All of that party I was thinking about how you weren't there, I couldn't even think about flirting with someone else. I told her I had a girlfriend and she was happy for me"
I pull my pizza out the oven and plate it, sitting at the table with Billie. "I have missed you"

"I've been living at my parents house" she admits "I've not really done anything all week, I saw Zoe. I haven't spoken to Odessa and I told Quen I won't be speaking to Odessa either"

"I appreciate that and I'm glad you've changed, I want to get back to normal." I say offering her a slice of pizza which she takes. It makes me feel guilty that she's not been good all week but she was the one who fucked up.

"Can I stay?" She says

"Of course darling, let's go to bed" I place the dish in the sink and follow her to my room

"I've really missed you" I say once we enter the room bringing her into me. She looks up at me and I give her a passionate kiss

"Why don't you show me how much you've missed me" she says

"I would love to"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang