Chapter 35

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"When my arms can't hold her, my heart will." - Kalvin.

-ˋˏ ༻Kalvin's POV༺ ˎˊ-

My wife.

Who is more strong and gorgeous than her? No one, of course. And having her as mine, makes me more lucky for my entire life.

She already went through so many horrible things. She endures a lot of suffering in this world. I can't let that happen again. And now she is hurt, and I am the fucking reason.

After having a pathetic conversation with that motherfucker, I went to Calix place to check up on my precious girl with her favourite foods. But as soon as Catherine revealed that she had locked herself for more than hours, guilt shot through my chest. And to worsen that, she also never stopped crying. Fuck. I told them everything, and they were both in complete shock. That Christian is far sicker than I thought.

If there is a day where I hate my existence,that will be probably now. With a heavy heart, I went to our house. Rosie and her daughter are currently out of town, so this leaves me alone in the house. With Willow in my hand, I made my way to our room. Memories will hurt you more than words, and I deserve it now.

As Willow sleeps, I slowly remove him from the carrier and place him on his bed. My body tensed when I saw our photo on the wall. She does not deserve those words from me. She is so kind and pure, and I am.... nothing.

With her thoughts drunk in my heart, I went to our mini fridge and poured a glass of wine. Wine slowly enters my system as our memories replay in my head. I am the one who says I love her more than anything else, and I have now asked for a break from her. I laughed darkly because my baby is so mad at me in every ways that words cannot express.

The wine does a good job of getting me drunk, but not more than my wife's eyes. Her thoughts haunting me in every single ways. I grabbed my phone and called her. She did not pick up, so I guess that was it. The next thing I knew, she had blocked me. Oh, baby, if you know me. I took a new SIM card from my pocket and called her again. I brought more than ten SIM cards, why? Because, I love my caramel.

As she picked up, I asked, "Are you still mad at me, love?" But she stays silent. Please baby, say something; I need your voice more than air right now. "Speak something baby, you still love me right.?" I said or remained with her; she still loves me, but she hates me more than anything else in the world.

"What do you want, Kalvin? her mellow voice blessed my ears. God, I miss her so much.  "Have you eaten anything ,Caramel ?" I can not help but hope for an answer. And by now, I can predict that she will be even angrier as I ask her that. "I hate you, Kalvin," she said before hanging up. Her voice is clearly hurt and broken. I hurted her more than I expected. I am sorry, Caramel.

My phone shattered into pieces as I slammed it against the wall. When you wait for something more valuable and get it better than you imagined, you become truly obsessed with it. I am obsessed with her, and I do not understand why I feel a strong urge to raise her from the moment she is born. I want to pamper her in every way she deserves.

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