Chapter 38

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"He is my husband, and I am his wife; I am happily proud  to say that both." - Raelynn

"What's the matter, Catherine?"Rae questioned Catherine for the fifth time. All four were seated in the restaurant, with their food in front of them. Raelynn and Kalvin were perplexed because Calix and Catherine did not say anything. Catherine sighed heavily: "I am breaking up with him."



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"WHAT?"Calix screamed, Rae's jaw dropped in shock, and Kalvin choked on his wine. "Catherine, I am fucking swearing, if you -" but Catherine interrupted Calix. "Why can not you take jokes easily?" she says, rolling his eyes. "Catherine, can you please be series?" Rae ordered alongside (her baby girl)Kalvin gave her a nod. She suddenly stands with wine in one hand and Calix's hand in the other, "We are fucking pregnant, bitch." And Calix smiles slightly, with Kalvin and Raelynn looking between them.

"You know, idiot is the word for you," Rae says to her, and both men laugh. Catherine sent a death glare to Calix and he stayed silent. "Congratulat-" Kalvin begins but again Catherine interrupted. "Wait, there is another announcement," she said, turning to face Calix. A rare event that Calix blushes a little and stands with wine and hand with holding her, "I proposed to her and she said yes."

They were both overjoyed that their lives were going well, and they congratulated one another. They all raised a toast with wine, but Rae was given apple juice. My poor baby. Yes, you guessed correctly, Kalvin told her not to drink alcohol because she vomited twice after drinking a sip.

"But no way she said yes so simple, she must have done something weird, right?"Rae questioned Calix. "Yes, sweetheart, you know her perfectly." Kalvin glares at him, "You know, you can just say anything without fucking calling her sweetheart!" Calix sighed in annoyance and continued, "When I proposed to her, she said she was having an affair and carrying an unknown asshole's baby. I nearly thought to kill her at the time, but when she saw my rage, she said yes and we are going to have a baby together."He finishes.

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