20 - Finally, Y/N; It Only Took 20 Chapters

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Brief A/N: Do I get mad every time I read the previous chapter? Yes. Yes I do.

Recommended Song While Reading This Chapter: Any of the Danganronpa V3 Body Discovery Sound Effects (Body Discovery A is best) but those aren't really songs, they just sound cool asf and match the vibe I'm going for

In most situations, there are two main approaches to fix a problem. With your brain, or with your fist. Adrenaline still coursed through your veins after the... uhm... incident? (to put it lightly) and the latter was seeming very enticing. Even if you didn't get any progress in your escape, at least you had a better and more durable punching bag than Jax. 

You clenched your non-dominant hand into a fist, so if any bones were injured during the process you would still be able to function somewhat normally. Glancing around you before the "destruction" began, you observed Ragatha looking around the room for a different means of escape.

"Back up. We're about to escape from this b- CLANK," you said, trying to sound cool, but whether it worked or not was unknown.

With a quiet chuckle, Ragatha reprimanded, "Watch your language, Y/N!" Noticing your friend backing away from the east side of the jail, you glared at the wall and tried to summon all the rage you've experienced during your stay at the circus. 

Quick memories of Jax, of Gummigoo, and even a little bit of Caine flashed through your head as quick as lightning. Your hand shook ever so slightly due to how tight it was being clenched, and then the buildup of anguish reached its climax as you swung your arm back, and smashed your fist into the sugar brick walls. 

A satisfying crack was heard and your eyes were shut tight. You did it. You had made the exit and now you and Ragatha could join the rest of the circus and have a normal adventure, and all you had to pay was a slight stinging in your wrist and the weight of murder on your consciousness.

Opening your eyes, you looked at the wall to see... nothing. Not even a dent in the nearly impenetrable wall. You were puzzled, as you were positive you had felt something break.

"OH MY GOD, Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" You heard Ragatha's distressed shouts, and turned towards her with a confused look on your face. She wasn't staring at you though. Instead, her eyes were wide as she looked at your wrist.

"Ragatha what's wrong-" You started, before she rushed over and started examining your very swollen hand that was starting to bruise up. You let out a shriek of utter pain as she lightly touched your wrist. "F- CRASH!!!!" You tried to breathe as the sudden agony crashed upon you like a wave, the throbbing that coursed throughout your hand overwhelming you as you tried to keep your oxygen intake steady.

A ripping sound was heard as you saw Ragatha tear her sleeve off, to put in your mouth so you didn't accidentally bite your tongue off. "Hon, it'll be okay. Let's worry about escaping later, and helping you right now, alright?" You violently nodded your head as tears streamed down your cheeks. 

Ragatha had spent as long as she could remember being the mother of the circus, and of course that came with its pros and cons. Even from her first day, she felt the constant pressure to comfort everyone around her and make sure they were happy, always putting everyone else's priorities before her own. But with this responsibility, she learned many new skills, such as baking and healing. Caine was the one who provided the circus with medicine, casts, etc. but Ragatha would always be the one to utilize them, putting casts on her "patients" and comforting them throughout the way. It came in handy whenever she least expected it to. And this morning she would've never anticipated the two of you being locked in a candy jail cell, with the first person in the circus to truly care about her shaking on the floor in pain from an injury that she blamed herself for. 

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