Part 16

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The whole weekend was spent in Liv and Matt's apartment as I did not want to be accessible to any of the girls basketball team. But it was now Monday and I had to go do my job.

"See truthfully I don't even have to go because I've been to every other practice there's really nothing to film anymore after this game" I tell Liv who was laying down on my legs.

"You told me you wanted to get their reactions post game" she chuckles "look I'm not her biggest fan either but I'm sure the other girls miss you loads and you can't just let this ruin your internship" she says she she was totally right I shouldn't let my feelings interfere with my work.

"Let me go get ready" I say going over to her vanity and getting my makeup bag. "Truly I'm not even hardcore heartbroken, obviously it was really upsetting that the girl I like was around kissing another girl but then again she didn't owe me any loyalty we hadn't established anything you know" I rant as I start on my makeup.

"Girl be so for real you know you're upset you're just too prideful to admit it and Paige owed you everything maybe there weren't any labels established but cmon the feelings were mutual and so very obvious"

After going on and on about the situation literally heading in circles I had finally made my way to the training center. Which I had decided to walk considering Liv's apartment was like 10 minutes away.

During the walk I had decided to finally turn on my phone as soon as the Home Screen opened I was bombarded with what seemed a billion texts from the girls. I really wasn't upset with them and it seemed very unfair that I went ghost on them for no reason.

My nerves only grew as I made it to the training center I actually felt nauseous for the reactions I was about to receive. Far too nervous to even go confront them I started by genie side until they came out.

"Madeline why haven't you answered we were going crazy trying to find you well Paige eventually texted liv yesterday but basically all weekend with no word from you" Caroline says going over to hug me.

Of course liv told her I was okay "yeah I'm really sorry just something came up" I tell her "never do that again you actually scared the shit out of us especially Paige she's been spooked all weekend and well nika is a tiny bit pissed at you"

Soon I get greeted and warmed by the girls and of course the last two wanted to torture me even further with being no shows. "Girls start your warmups" Geno tells them as the girls go over and start their pre practice usual.

"Of course... they're always late where are they?" Geno asks as we all knew exactly who he was talking about. "Nika was wrapping Paige" ice tells him. "Maddie go tell them to hurry up please" I simply nod and walk over to the locker room.

I really wanted to tell him that they'd be out soon but whenever Geno wants something he shall get it. "Madeline" Paige says looking up sending over a smile I just press my lips together. "I was worried sick how are you what happened?" Paige asks skipping over to hug me. "I missed you so much you have no idea" she whispers...I feel my heart literally skip a beat.

"Uh I just wanted to spend time with liv" I tell her taking a step back from her embrace. She looks at me confused and concerned "uh coach said to hurry up" I say "right uh nik you ready?" Paige asks looking over to her nika nods. "Actually I want to talk to her can you just tell him that she needs a minute" Paige nods and walks off to the court.

"I actually have to get to practice" Nika says trying to walk past me but I hold on to her wrist before she's able to leave. "I'm sorry I didn't text you" I apologize sincerely. "Maddie I was worried sick call me dramatic but you didn't answer your texts or calls I went over to your apartment Saturday morning and Sunday and nothing until Paige called liv last night and she said you were perfectly fine" she says raising her voice slightly.

"I'm so so sorry nik I really truly am but something came up I just didn't want to face it yet" I tell her. "What happened?" She asks. I really didn't want to bring nika into this truly I could just move on but I also didn't want to lie to her and I also kinda wanted to have some sort of moral support if I'm going to be around Paige.

I pull out my phone and find the picture that I had been sent and hand over my phone. Her face immediately reflecting her thoughts. "Who sent this to you?" She asks "i have no idea it was sent from an unknown number" I shrug. "What the fuck Maddie I am so sorry" she says pulling me in for a hug.

"I just wanted to avoid her at all costs even if that meant not talking to y'all" "that's completely understandable what the fuck Paige didn't say anything about this to any of us" she says still processing the information.

"I mean it isn't something she'd be proud of" I try and joke she sends a serious face over. "Paige walked home that night way before us" she says. "Then it was probably at the party" I suggest "yeah Isabella did have her around all night followed her like a lost puppy" she says.

"That is so crazy what are you going to tell her?" She asks linking arms with me as we walk out to the court. "Nothing I plan on being cordial with her" I shrug. "Well she's going to figure it out sooner or later just do it now she's one of my best friends but that is not okay whatsoever"

"Yeah but it's not like I can complain we weren't dating nothing no titles no rules nothing so she truly fair game" Nika laughs "you're too kind" "Maddie are you holding my players up?" Geno asks "just one" I say skipping over to him.

"See coach Geno you really need to understand the importance of female conversation... which is what me and nik had going on very important discussions" "reallyyy what happened to be the topic of discussions" "well coach how would you feel if a certain person which you happened to grow very fond of spend lots of time together stole a kiss or two goes off and kisses someone else" coach simply laughs.

"That is not funny" I tell him "no it's not I'm sorry I would feel bad of course that's leading the other person on they aren't valuing the relationship" "that's the thing there were no labels to whatever it was" "yes but the feelings were being reciprocated by both parties so there was common ground" he says looking off to the girls running their practice plays.

"I get that but I feel like if there was no prior conversation establishing boundaries there's no foul game" "Madeline it's disrespectful the other party involved, they were playing on your team then suddenly plays for the other?"

Then and there somehow that simple analogy coach gave me really gave me a better understanding of the situation. Yet not enough to confront Paige. I still planned on just acting as if nothing happened and keeping it cordial with her.

"Wise words coach thank you" I laugh "of course" he nods. "Hey Maddie so I was wondering how do you do all that editing because I was looking at the posts of the videos of the girls and the music and the seamless transitions how do you do all of that?" He asks and I begin to explain to him the process of my editing.

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