Chapter 6

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Porsche pov...

Porsche open his eyes slowly and see Kim is standing near the window while looking at the stars... Porsche then take his phone and look at the clock and speak in his heart.. 'Its 3 am...' Kim turn around and smile at Porsche.. Kim then ask.. 'Did I wake you up hmm?' Porsche then shake his head slowly and smile.. Kim walk towards Porsche's bed and lay down beside Porsche again and say.. 'You should continue sleeping sweetheart..' Porsche then speak in his heart.. 'How am I supposed to sleep? We even have a sex but you just leave me like that...' Porsche then say.. Alright.. I will sleep.. Good night... 'Porsche then turn to the other side and pull up the blanket.. Kim then hug Porsche from behind and ask...' Did you just mention about sex hmm?.... 'Porsche then say...' No... I didn't.... 'Kim then say...' Porsche... 'Porsche pretend to snore beside Kim... Kim then blow Porsche's ear lobes and lick it gently.. Porsche flinch and say...' Its tickle... Please don't do it... I want to sleep... 'Porsche then hit Kim with the pillow and continue sleeping...

Porsche open his eyes and see Kim is kneeling in front of him... Porsche quickly about turn to the other side but stop as Kim is laying on Porsche's body again... Porsche smile and feel Kim's body against him... Porsche then say... 'I need to work tomorrow....' Kim kiss Porsche's forehead gently and stroke Porsche's hair... Porsche also stroke Kim's hair and kiss Kim's lips softly... Kim smile between the kisses and say.. 'Your room is sound proof.. Don't worry..' Porsche nod slowly and see Kim is laying beside Porsche again... Porsche kiss Kim's lips and continue sleeping...Kim then stroke Porsche's head and stare at Porsche's beautiful face..

Next morning...

Porsche's pov...

Porsche wake up slowly and see Kim isn't beside him... Kim then walk towards Porsche and say.. 'Good morning sweetheart...' Porsche then see Nampheung also come towards them and ask... 'Porsche.. Where did you found this handsome man?' Kim then say... 'Im truly sorry if my presence here make you feel uncomfortable...' Nampheung smile and say... 'Its alright...Im happy because my son finally have a new friends.. Porsche then say...' Kim.. You should wait downstairs... I will get ready in 10 minutes.. 'Nampheung nod and say...' Nong Kim... Lets go downstairs na kha.. 'Kim nod and follow up from behind and go downstairs.. Porsche then walk towards the bathroom and take a shower...

Porsche continue to shower.. As Porsche feel shock as he see someone is standing behind him with a sharp claws... Porsche feel shock and turn around and see no one... Porsche then start to feel afraid and quickly finish up with the showers.. Porsche then grab the towel and dry his hair and body then wrap his body with the towel and come out from the bathroom.. Porsche hold his chest and see Kim suddenly appear.. Porsche then ask... 'K.. Kim... What are you doing here hmm? You should be waiting at the kitchen...' Kim then ask.. What's wrong Porsche?'
Porsche shake his head slowly and smile a little... Kim then say...' You look pale... 'Kim gently touch Porsche's cheeks and ask..' What happen? 'Porsche then see that man is standing right behind Kim again... Porsche then say...' K.. Kim.. Someone is standing right behind you... He have a sharp claws... 'Kim quickly turn around and see Kinn... Kim snap his fingers and see Porsche is get dress...Porsche then ask..' Kim.. Who is he? '

Kinn smirk and say.. :Hello there little human..' Porsche then ask.. 'What do you want from me?' Kinn smirk again and say.. 'Its seems you really have a good time with my precious little brother...Am I right Kim Kimhan?' Kim immediately pull Porsche to stand behind him and say.. 'Don't come near him Kinn.. Its just between us now..' Kinn use his power to hurt Porsche.. Kim quickly use his shield power and shield Porsche's mind and look at Kinn.. Kinn's power rebound and make Kim thrown away.. Kim then take Porsche and teleport to the bakery...

As Kim and Porsche arrive at the bakery.. Porsche then see Vegas, Type and Macau already waiting at the bakery... Vegas then ask... 'Porsche.. What happen to you?' Type and Macau also look at Porsche and frown.. Kim then communicate with Thankhun and say... 'Phi.. ask Arm, Lian and Yi to come to bakery... Don't use a space ship..Hurry..' Kim shut off the communication and say.. 'Something happened at Porsche's house.. That's why I bring him here..' Vegas is about to punch Kim but fail as he suddenly feel his hand can't move... Kim then turn around and see Lian, Yi, Arm and Thankhun appear.. Vegas then fall on the ground and hiss in pain..

Porsche then quickly check on Vegas and ask..' Are you alright?' Kim then communicate with his brother and friends then say... 'I have something to tell... Its about Kinn..' All of them teleport to somewhere.. Porsche then say.. 'Kim wait!' Porsche start to feel panic... Vegas then shake Porsche's shoulders and say... 'Porsche! Look at me! Calm down alright?' Porsche then say... 'I... I must look for Kim...' Kim appear and inject Porsche's neck with a syringe and say... 'Please take care of this bakery... I will take Porsche back... He really need to rest...'Macau then ask..' Why you care so much about Phi Porsche? 'Vegas then push Kim away from Porsche and say..' Stay away from him... He didn't need you...'Type give Vegas a death glare and say..' Shut up Vegas... Don't worry about the bakery Kim.. Take Porsche back... Just ignore Vegas...'Vegas then say..' Fuck you Type! I didn't believe this guy! 'Type then say...' Shut up before I kick your ass Vegas.. Off you go Kim! 'Kim carry Porsche in his arms and teleport back to Porsche's house...

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