Chapter 8

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Kinn pov..

Kinn finally arrives at one of his allies realm... Blackheart turn around and smirk as he see Kinn then say... 'Well well.. What do we have here?

 What do we have here?

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Kinn then reply back..' You know me very well Blackheart... Im sure you know why Im here.. 'Blackheart then look at Kinn then say..' Of course I know Kinn.. You think Im that stupid? Kinn then say.. 'I want to destroy Kim and Porsche..' Blackheart chuckle and walk towards Kinn then look at Kinn again.. Kinn then ask annoyingly.. 'Did I say something funny huh?' Blackheart then move his hands near to Kinn's body and sense something.. Blackheart then say.. 'Ah.. No wonder why you are here..' Blackheart then whisper to Kinn's ear then say.. 'Your power is decreasing...' Kinn then say... 'If you can't help me.. Its fine...' Blackheart then touch Kinn's shoulder.. Kinn then scream and kneel then ask.. 'What the hell are you doing Blackheart?!' Blackheart smirk and say.. 'You said that you want to kill Kim and Porsche.. I just transfer some of my powers to you... The rest of it.. you will do it by your self Kinn Anakin..Blackheart then dissappear with Kinn could speak.. Kinn smirk and dissappear as well...

Meanwhile at Porsche's house..

Porsche pov...

Porsche and Vegas are sitting together at the living room.. Vegas hiss in pain as Porsche press the alcoholic cotton swab to the bruise.. Porsche then say... 'It just a bit more.. hold on...'Porsche then continue to treat Vegas's face... Vegas then say...' Porsche..'Porsche then look at Vegas and say...' Yes? 'Vegas clear his throat and say..' Porsche.. Please stay away from that alien.. I can't trust him anymore.. He only put your life in danger Porsche.. You almost got kill too.. I don't want to lose you Porsche.. 'Vegas then take Porsche's hands and kiss it gently then say..' Come and live with me Porsche.. I promise.. I will take care of you... 'Porsche then keep the medq into the first aid kit and reply back..' I don't know what to do now Vegas... Im scared and confused... I already have a bad feelings... I shouldnt suppose to get involved in this matter... 'Vegas then say...' This is the reason why I dislike Kim... He only put your life in danger... I know Im just a human Porsche.. but please allow me to take care of you.. 'Porsche then say...' You already did it Vegas... I know how to take care of myself... You also have a family to protect... Don't worry about me... Im fine.. 'Vegas then reply back..' What are you going to do if Kim dies? Crying? Yelling? Begging for Kim to return to you? 'Porsche cover his face and silent.. Vegas slowly pull Porsche near to him.. Porsche hide his face towards Vegas's chest and say...' I feel like Im not myself anymore Vegas... 'Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead and say..' I miss you.. I really miss the old you who is always with me.. 'Porsche then look at Vegas's face and say..' Im sorry Vegas... Im not alert.. 'Vegas rub Porsche's back body gently and reply back..' Don't worry about other things.. Focus on yourself..'
Porsche then ask..' What about the bakery? Is everything alright? 'Vegas smile at Porsche and kiss his lips softly and say..' I will go now... If you need anything.. Call me immediately.. '
Porsche then stand up and look at Vegas.. Vegas hug Porsche once again and say...' Take care of your self Porsche.. If you see any stranger.. don't open up the door..' Porsche nod and say...' Alright.. Be careful Vegas.. I will see you tomorrow... 'Vegas kiss Porsche's lips and leave the house...

As Vegas left.. Porsche suddenly feel a soft wind blowing from behind... Porsche then feel a gentle touch on his shoulder.. Porsche then ask...' W.. Who are you?I..if a.. are K.. Kinn.. P... Please.. L.. let m.. me g.. go...' Arm then say.. 'Turn around Porsche..' Porsche slowly turn around and see Arm...

Arm pull Porsche into his embrace and say... 'Its alright Porsche.. Im not Kinn.. My name is Arm.. Im Kimhan's friends.. Its nice to meet you again..' Porsche then smile a little and say.. 'Please have a sit, sir..' Arm then reply back.. 'No need to call me that Porsche... Just call me as Arm... And if I want to kill you.. I already did it before Kinn does..' Porsche then ask.. 'How is he?' Arm then use his power to show a vision about Kim.. Porsche breath out of relief and say.. 'Thank you Arm...' Arm shake his head gently and say.. 'No.. Thank you for saved Kimhan' s life.. I don't know what will happen if Kim hadn't meet you Porsche.. 'Porsche frown and ask..' What happen actually? 'Arm then say..' Kinn dislike Kim and want to conquer the universe... If Kinn manage to conquer it... The universe will destroy and die... Kim want to stopped him but his space ship got shot instead... Luckily Kimhan is alive Porsche.. Thank you once again..'

Thankhun suddenly appear and say..' 'Arm..'Arm feel shock and say..' P.. Phi..'
Thankhun quickly hug Arm and say...' Never dissappear out of my sight.. Or.. You will get a punishment.....'Porsche smile a little while looking at them... Arm kiss Thankhun's lips softly and say...' Im sorry.. 'Thankun kiss Arm in return and pull Arm into his embrace.. Thankhun then look at Porsche and say..' I want you to come with us Porsche... I didn't live in space.. Its too dangerous... 'Porsche then ask.. What about Kinn? Im sure he will kill me once he see me again..' Arm clear his throat and say... 'Speaking about Kinn... I have something to show you both...' Suddenly... Lian, Yi and Kim appear.. Porsche then say... 'K.. Kim..' Kim hug Porsche tightly and say... 'Im worry about you!' Lian and Yi smile a little then clear their throat.. Thankhun then ask.. 'Arm.. Is there anything else that we didn't know about Kinn?' Kim, Lian and Yi look at Arm.. Arm then say.. 'You guys will know soon.. But for now.. Let's combine our powers to protect this house..'

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