Feel the Rain on Your Skin

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I've always been obsessed with the rain since I was little.

Rainy nights are the most dramatic times. You can see someone sprinting into stores to meet a friend, a person with an inside-out umbrella struggling next to a bus stop, and two people fighting and not caring whether their outfits are soaking wet.

Rain is relaxing and rejuvenating. Rainy days are when you either get a ton done or nothing done at all. If there's rain, you don't have to turn on the sprinklers or water any plants outside.

There's also the different feelings rain can give you. A summer's rain is warm and gives you a break from the heat. A spring's rain melts away the snow of the winter. A fall's rain turns the fallen leaves into mush for the soil.

When are the most dramatic times in movies? The major turning point? The grand apology? The hug as they realize what they were searching for the whole time was right there? The wedding? The birth of the main character? That's right. It was all during the rain.

The rain is breathtaking.

I've always looked forward to when it rained. It made me feel like I was a part of the stories I liked to read. I felt like I was going to a ball to find the love of my life or to the theater where I would solve a cold case. Maybe I would go to the circus and meet the magician who would teach me how to make an elephant disappear. The rain is full of what-ifs and imagination.

I can't imagine a single person who hates rain. Without rain, we wouldn't be alive. The Romans couldn't have made aqueducts, we would have never sailed the oceans, and we would have never lived to the day that I wrote on this very page.

Next time it rains, go outside. Go and do something, anything. It will feel ten times more dramatic than if you were inside, or if it was sunny.

Next time it rains, read a book. With the sounds of rain pattering on your window, you can be fully immersed in the world the author has created.

Next time it rains, make up a story. Why is it raining right now? Is it because the captain realized that his crew was invaluable after losing them all? Did someone rescue a puppy? You tell me.

Next time it rains, pretend. Pretend you're the main character who's finally reached their happy end, or the main character who's ready to make a change.

Who knows where the rain will take me next? I don't. That's what I love the most about it.

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