Greyscale is a Disease

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I've never understood why adulthood is marked with the death of color nowadays.

Older cars used to come in many fun colors, but most cars are grey, white, or black. Occasionally, you'll see the odd red car. It's gotten to the point where seeing other colors (like brown) is an anomaly. I propose we bring back the colors of older cars with the function of modern ones.

Look back to '70s and '80s decor and clothes. The clothes were bright, bold, and distinctive. When people think of either of these decades, they think of specific prints and colors. The 80s were the embodiment of "bigger is better." More fabric, more color, more prints. Shoulder pads, big dresses, wide-leg pants. Houses had brighter drapes with more designs. The walls in the children's rooms were bolder. In the '70s, you think of yellows, oranges, and flower prints. Patterned scarves that accented outfits and bright orange and yellow monochromatic outfits. Google Vogue for both decades and you're bombarded with colors and bright outfits.

Now try modern Vogue.

I don't think either of these decades was flawless, and I wouldn't invent time travel just to go back.

In conclusion, we need some more color to spruce up our boring lives. Thank you.

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