Night Changes (Mini Story 1: Part 2)

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I don't know what's wrong with Jeremy.

He's been sulking the entire week, and nothing can cheer him up.

Not even mac and cheese.

I'm honestly worried about him.

"Hey, buddy..." I cautiously approach him lurking in the corner. He's curled up into a ball of darkness, muttering sounds that sound nothing like any language I know. "What's happenin'?"

I tap him gently on the shoulder, horrified when my hand is engulfed in cold, slimy goo. I yank my hand back, trying to shake off the mucus. It sticks, to my terror and discomfort, and I'm too scared to try to scrape it off with my nails.

Jeremy's thin frame starts to drown in the sudden release of goo, and he slowly starts to shrink. I stare, unable to process what's going on in my room.

I'm immediately and disgustedly reminded of The Wizard of Oz, when the Wicked Witch dissolves with water.

Soon, the only thing left of Jeremy is the blob on my floor.

"JEREMY?!" I yelp. I reach out, and immediately retract my hand. My hand feels like it's freezing to death while the rest of my body was overheating. Two eyeballs are rolling around in the unidentified blob. I feel vomit creeping up my throat, but I resist the urge. Pain from my hand seems to spread across my body and I fall on my knees. The... thing straightens out, pupils facing me, and eyelids are formed from the gelatinous material spreading around my room. As it blinks, the substance pulls itself together, and all of the goo is contained in the single organism before me.

The stuff slides off my hand, and the pain melts away like snow in the rain. I look down at my hand, searching for injuries, but I don't find any. I wiggle my fingers and I hear a plop. My head snaps up to see the blob taking on a semi-humanoid form. I mean, it had legs, a torso, arms, and a head, but it was all made of some nightmare gel, and it lacked hands, toes, and facial features. Other than unnerving eyes and a simple line for a mouth.

Its eyes focused on me, opened too wide to feel comfortable.

It me. What did you do, human?

What did I do? What did HE do? He just morphed into some other kind of monster. How did I do anything?

"What did I do?" I ask, indignant. "You almost got goo on the rug, and MORPHED FORMS, this is entirely your fault!"

Did you touch me?

"Maybe." I huff. "I've tapped your shoulder before and you didn't melt."

You change, I change. I not scary anymore?

I guess he's right. He wasn't scary to me anymore. He was like a big friendly giant. Who was literally a nightmare creature.

"I guess," I shrug. "You are more scary like this, honestly." His little smile becomes a big creepy grin. I jump a little. I guess I need to get used to that.

You mean it?

"If you get goo on the rug, I'm kicking you out."

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