I Lost My Head

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Ya' know that one expression: "I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body"? I've never related to it as much as I have in the past three days.

I've never forgotten my phone anywhere. I've always teased my friends when they lost their stuff because I naturally have pretty good recall. WELL-

I've misplaced my phone SO many times in the last couple of days, more than I usually would in weeks. I left my phone in a store, at a park, and in my bag. Thankfully, I caught my blunders before they became a problem. But now I've gotta force my character development. I can't be doing this.

You know, I've been forgetting to write the last couple of days, and it struck me like a brick wall when I realized. I didn't have a single thing to post. I scrambled to put together something last minute, because who wants to break their streak? Not me. You would like to think that this isn't a big deal. Let me tell you, I published three parts neither noticing nor changing the fact that I was on my last prewritten update.

Call me forgetful, call me dumb, but never call me consistent.

I have my good days, where I'll remember random songs playing at my local cafe or where I'll remember a friend's birthday in a day. The secret was remembering my good days to help me with my bad days. Calendar apps and reminder apps are a godsend for me.

Back to the phrase I opened with. "I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body". I feel that it would be incredibly hard to forget your head. I understand it isn't literal, but you'd have to be extraordinarily ditzy to mess up that badly. You shouldn't be able to see without your head, you couldn't hear, think, or taste. How could you walk away without your sight? Now, I hear you. What if you were blind? The brain serves as the control center for the body, so you wouldn't be able to walk away in the first place!

I can't take a joke, that's obvious enough.

My biggest problem with writing has always been flow. I have always resorted to rambling because I would feel as if my plot point was too short, and I would add all sorts of flowery language. I always had problems with exposition, because it felt terribly boring for me. I would have to establish the political system of the fantasy world before writing about the merchant who sells dreams. I would have to explain the fauna and flora of a magical forest before talking about the fae who bargain with the circus master.

My worst fear (writing related), is making a story dull with my writing style. I would love to jump straight into a book, but I'm afraid I need a bit more work before reaching that point.

I tend to forget details of my own writing, because I get so caught up in my current work. I have to reread my outline and previous chapters in order to write a new one. I have so many ideas swirling around, but I don't know how to write them.

At least, not yet.

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