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Wind. Blur. He held me by my waist and ran us back to the castle. Even in the intense speed, my body reacted to his touch. My heart pounded at his closeness. I was intensely aware of the fact that my thin, wet nightgown was the only thing standing between his skin, and mine. That my nipples were nearly skin to skin with him. And it was suffocating.

We whipped through the courtyard and through a large set of double doors into the castle foyer. He climbed the stairs with ease. We passed through several halls. I was too distracted by his hands on my lower waist, my breasts just inches from his plump, foul mouth, to realize that we passed the room I was earlier in.

He approached two double doors that reached fifteen feet into the air. They were at the end of the hall with the previous room. Two guards on either side opened them for us. They stomped their spears once in acknowledgment and bowed, deeply. Once done, they simultaneously opened the doors.

I stood at attention then, the room was massive. It was the size of five of the other rooms combined.

The bed was even larger. The same dark brown wood covered the space. There was a huge bed against the wall opposite of the doors. This one was higher, wider, and longer than the bed I slept in last night.

He walked to the edge of the bed, crossing two huge ancient looking area rugs. He tossed me onto the forest green comforter and I bounced slightly. I looked toward the doors and they were shut.

There was a wall of windows to the right with massive green curtains that reached the floor. They looked over a different angle of the courtyard. If I squinted my eyes I thought I could see mountains in the distance.

A massive stone fireplace warmed the space. I was grateful for it as I realized I was still wet.

He had disappeared through a large door to the left of the fireplace and I assumed it was either a bathroom or a large closet.

I was still angry. But I was exhausted. I was wet and cold and my fingers were shaking. Plus getting even a little bit of distance from him seemed to clear my head.

I peeled the nightgown off of my damp skin and hung it by the fire. I warmed my skin in front of it. It caused me to glow a pretty orange.

I grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped myself in it, lowering myself to the floor in front of the fire. I curled up slightly, needing to get warm quickly.

My hair had already started to dry from the running. I tossed it around and separated the clumps. I grabbed the throw blanket off the end of the bed and wrapped myself in the fluffy material.

He walked from the bathroom with clean feet and a fresh pair of off white cotton pants hanging low on his waits. I admired him very slowly. The muscles above his waistband created a perfect V shape. The trail of hair went from his belly button and disappeared below his waistband.

He carried a white shirt in his hand. It was cotton and brought it to where I was sitting, passing the textile to me.

"Thanks.." I mumbled. I rose to my feet and made my way to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I decided to hop into the shower. I had just been swimming in an unfamiliar lake.

I turned the faucet on and let it warm, grabbing a new bar of soap and putting out one of his massive towels.

I washed everywhere. I scrubbed and scrubbed. It felt so nice, I don't think I'd ever been that clean. Sometimes the girls would share bath water due to harsh winters, we didn't have running water and it was the best that we could do. Any kind of clean was better than filthy.

I washed my hair and massaged the suds in, creating a soothing lather. I rinsed everything, leaving no soap behind and climbed out of the shower. I grabbed the big king sized towel and dried my body.

I found the shirt the King had lended me, and tossed it on over my head. It was massive. It nearly reached my knees, and the neck hole was so large that is fell off my shoulder, not matter how much I adjusted it.

It smelled like him, like he'd worn it all day, and I tried not to think about it for many reasons. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to tame the mess of hair atop my head, no luck without a comb though.

I sighed loudly and unlocked the bathroom door, closing it behind me as I entered the bedroom. The King was stretched out atop the covers of the bed, still shirtless, and still sexy as all hell.

He had a book in his hand, The Bible. What an odd choice for a vampire.

His eyes shot to mine and he grinned, "Even the Devil needs God." I shrugged and approached the bed, stopping at the edge and studying the comforter a little too hard.

"Whatever floats your boat." I mumbled.

He made a small hum in his throat and spoke, "Well, aren't you going to join me?" The smirk that danced in his lips was breathtaking.

My face warmed with another's blood and I smiled sheepishly, "I have a problem, actually." I looked at his face and saw genuine concern.

"What's wrong?" His brows furrowed and he placed the book on his nightstand. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, the movement caused his abdominal muscles to tighten, and it was mouthwatering.

I collected my thoughts enough to tell him the embarrassing truth, and gathered enough hope within myself that I thought he could be trusted.

"I have no underwear." I said, looking down sheepishly.

A glorious sound of joy filled the room, I looked at him and saw his head thrown back in pure laughter. He thinks it's funny.

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