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"Well, I have a deal with King Everard of Alormiria. His land is the country over, across the sea. Once a month he sends ships with goods to keep us afloat. I pay him for the goods. A fleet comes to the castle and some go to the villages. It's the best I can do before I can find the gnomes." So that was where the goods from Market Day came from. He was keeping his people fed and no one even knew it. He wanted no recognition and nothing in return.

"Find the gnomes? Are you looking for them?" It had been hundreds of years since the War. Was there really any hope in finding them? And what did it mean for the future of WarHaven if they could not be found?

"You think like a ruler. I'm impressed. And, yes. We are actively searching for them. I have scholars working around the clock to research where they might've gone, as well as weekly search parties. Although they don't go very far due to a lack of resources." He explained. "In fact, I've got a party coming back very soon that I need to greet and meet with, but I will see you for dinner. Feel free to explore. What's mine, is yours." He rose to his feet and did a small bow that left me stunned. A King just bowed for me. It made no sense.

I shook it off and took advantage of his offer, deciding to explore the library. The collection was so huge, and I spotted one of the bookkeeper's a few aisles down. I decided to be bold and introduce myself.

I approached her, rather quietly and found her putting books in their respective places. She was reaching for one on her wooded cart when she saw me and jumped. I'd frightened her.

"Oh! My Lady, my apologies, I didn't see you there. Is there anything I can help you with?" She was a short woman, rather round and had her gray hair braided into a tight bun atop her small head. Her tan dress was well taken care of, aside from a small rip in the front pocket of her apron. A pair of wire glasses sat atop of her head like a crown. She had wrinkles all over her face, and they were beautiful. She was truly beautiful. Her eyes were a lighter red, like mine. Nothing like the King's.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, I should've announced myself," I chuckled nervously, "I just wanted to introduce myself, I don't really know anyone...My name is Davina, I am...well, a friend of the King's." If you want to call, forced royal sire, friends, then sure.

The woman smiled then, and it mimicked sunshine. "Davina. Nice to meet you, my name is Camara. I've lived here all my years and know this place like I know my pocketbook!" She giggled then, and snorted a bit. She was simply adorable. "Let me know if I can help you find anything, and that goes for anywhere in this big place, not just the library." She gave me a wink.

"Thank you, ma'am." I bowed my head slightly, as I swear I saw shock cover her features, but I brushed it off as me being too formal. I excused myself and decided to take the King up on his offer. I would explore every nook and cranny of this castle, until I found the best escape route. He had no idea the doors he had just opened for me. Literally.

I made my way out of the library, passing the two guards. They made no attempt to speak to me, or even look in my direction. Perhaps they only acknowledged the King. Everyone else were like bugs crawling around.

The hallway was long, but well lit due to the windows. To the right of me lay a massive and expansive view of the land across the wall. There was a mountain, I was right. I must've been on the opposite side of the castle than when I saw them last, was that the dining room?

As I walked I tried to piece together a map in my head of the halls and rooms I passed. My best way of learning how to escape this place was learning the floor plan. 

I passed many rooms, most doors were closed, but some were open and I resisted the urge to wander in. I passed a music room, upon peeking my head in I saw a gorgeous grand piano. There were also rows of books pertaining to music. I spotted some sheet music on the piano, and wondered if the King wrote it. 

I moved on, making a note in my head to ask him. If he did, I would love to hear him play. I had only heard someone play a couple times at the market. It was always so intriguing. I always dreamed of being able to play. Perhaps I could learn one day.

The next few doors were closed, and my hands itched to open them, just to see the treasures that may lie within. 

I was almost to the end of the hall, I observed the sun was well on its way to setting, as I looked out the grand windows once again. I noted that it would make a marvelous painting. Two guards passed me, they were chatting and laughing. I had just seen them ascend from a dark stairwell to the right of a set of open double doors at the end of the hall.

From what I could see, it looked like the tavern inside. There were several luxurious booths and a long, rather grand bar. I peeked my head over the threshold, and saw a candle lit wall with what had to be hundreds of alcohol bottles. Either someone had an addiction, or this place was open to everyone in the castle, there was no way only one creature needed this much. 

I had just decided to go in, because why not, I mean could I really be scolded for having a drink given the last few days? I took a few steps into the bar room, and stopped. There was this sudden overwhelming desire to take the stairs to the right of the room. 

It was like an intense calling, like something I was missing or needed, was in that direction. I was in a trance, and my feet moved on their own as I approached the stairs. 

I tried to deny the urge, because it didn't seem like the best idea, but I couldn't help myself. I felt like a magnet searching for its other half.  It was like my chest was being pulled in that direction, the urge was intense. 

I took the first step and descended into the dimly lit stairwell. I noted that the walls were filthy, and the smell coming from whatever was down there, was gag inducing.  On top of that, the burn in my throat told me there was blood.

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