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Ryan emerged from the concealment of the trees, his gun pointed at us.

Reacting swiftly, John B drew his own weapon. In response, Ryan aimed his gun at Big John's head, causing John B's jaw to tighten.

"Toss it'" Ryan commanded.

"Take it easy, bud. Your boss is dead, you've got no reason to do this," Big John tried to reason.

"I can think of a few reasons." Ryan shrugged. "Toss it!" He reiterated.

Reluctantly, John B raised his hands and released the gun, letting it fall to the ground.

Ryan advanced toward us, his hand firmly clutching the gun. "Thought you'd end up with the gold, eh?" He asked.

We exchanged tense glances as Ryan took charge.

"Alright, nobody move," Ryan commanded, picking up the gun John B had dropped. "My mate back there is dead because of you two," He said, his gaze shifting to Sarah and me. He pointed the gun at Sarah, cocking it. "You go first,"

She turned to me, our eyes meeting. The terror in her expression made my stomach lurch. Seeing the look on her face, I didn't hesitate. I rushed toward Ryan, putting myself between him and my sister, and reached for his gun.

Ryan's finger tightened around the trigger, ready to shoot, but Ward abruptly surged forward coming between Ryan and me just as the first shot echoed through the air.

The rest happened so fast.

Ward forcefully pushed Ryan backward, who, in response, fired two more shots, meaning Ward had been hit three times at close range.

Despite his injuries, Ward persisted, rushing toward the cliff's edge where he tackled Ryan, sending both of them tumbling over. The sickening thud of their bodies colliding with the ground echoed in my ears.

"Oh my God..." I whispered.

Sarah slowly approached the cliff's edge, tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Sarah..." John B said, his gaze wide with shock and concern.

The Pogues and I joined her, peering over the edge. Ryan and Ward lay motionless, sprawled out on the ground below.

Sarah and I began to cry softly, tears trickling down our cheeks in quiet sobs.

JJ slowly approached me, enveloping me in a warm embrace from behind, his arms encircling my waist. As tears streamed down my face, I closed my eyes, feeling the comfort of his embrace. He rested his head on my shoulder, holding me tightly. Meanwhile, Pope placed a comforting hand on my other shoulder, his thumb soothingly stroking back and forth.

We stood in silence for a while, grappling with the reality of what had happened. Ward, the person who had put us through hell, sacrificed his life to save not just Sarah and me, but all of us.

"Hey..." Pope's voice broke the silence as he stepped away from the group, his gaze fixed on Big John whose head was drooping backward. "Big John?" He said softly, approaching him.

"Hey, John B!" Pope called urgently.

John B's eyes widened. "Dad..." He exclaimed, darting towards his father. With Pope's assistance, they lifted Big John to his feet.

"Okay, Dad, we gotta get you out of here," John B said, his tone determined as he and Pope supported him forward. "Hey, stay up. Stay awake. Please, stay awake," He told his father.

I grabbed the heavy bag of gold, slinging it over my shoulders.

The trek back through the jungle was nearly silent, broken only by sporadic reassurances to keep Big John conscious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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