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As usual, today, I woke up, due to my several alarms, and began getting ready for school. I hurriedly put on my clothes and went to the kitchen to grab the closest breakfast snack. After quickly eating and getting all of my stuff together, I leave to begin walking to school.

This is what I do every school morning, every normal school morning; just like how today was meant to be.

Just like every day, I got to school, went to my classroom, and waited for class to begin. Once class had started, the teacher had introduced some new student, just some tired looking, pale guy, with pretty red eyes, and I think he's above 6 feet tall. The teacher told him to sit a few seats ahead of me and then began the lesson.

Once it was time for lunch I decided to be nice and went to talk to the new guy. I walked towards him and stood in front of his desk.
“Uhm, Hi.” I gave him a quick, shy smile. “Hi.” He said, almost sounding like a question. “My name's Oliver.” I reached out my hand to shake his. “I'm Sebastian.” He shook my hand, a bit hesitant, but he did it anyway. “So, what school did you come from?” “Someplace you wouldn't know, it's far away.” I nod my head at that and take a second to look at him. He talks sort of quietly and with his mouth barely moving at all. I can also notice a small scar on his chin, and the bags under his eyes. He seems very strange but something about him pulls me in, aside from his insane attractiveness, that I now realize from how close I am now-

“Why are you staring at me?” Sebastian asked. I slightly jumped at that, realizing I had zoned out while admiring him. “Oh, sorry…I zoned out.” He nods his head and looks at me awkwardly. “Why'd you transfer here? So far from your old school.” I asked him, tilting my head. Sebastian takes a second before answering. “I moved here-” “Why here? This city sucks.” Sebastian sighs and makes an annoyed face at me. “To try living a more normal life I guess.” He shrugs his shoulders and I raise my eyebrow at him. Why is he trying to be so mysterious?

The conversation doesn't get far from there, just some boring small talk and soon lunch ends so I return to my seat. More boring lessons ensue and soon school ends.

That's how every day this week went. After school I go home, change, do homework, eat, and go to bed. Every day. It may get annoying, but there's no way out until I graduate. Oh, how I wish something would change.

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