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Dylan and Brian got to the hospital entrance together. Brian having more of a calm face, meanwhile his companion was freaked beyond the stars. The blowing wind and setting sun could not cover up Dylan's panicked stature.

"Dude, calm down. It's no big deal," Brian tried calming Dylan.

"Not a big deal! Brian, people who've gone in never came back," his partner cried.

"That was a long time ago, and during the gang times. Also, they were everywhere, not just here. It's not really like that anymore. It's better now. I wouldn't have promised the viewers to come here if it was dangerous...Or at least that dangerous," reassured the raven-haired man with a sarcastic smirk.

"Okay, I'll calm down," stated the blonde, feeling a little more at ease. Though there was still a straggling bad feeling still there.

"Good," Brian gladly said and took his partner's wrist. "Come on now, we're almost there. Also turn on the camera."

The other smiled and followed along and did as he was told. Once they were inside they were in awe.

"Has someone been cleaning here," questioned Dylan.

"It's so clean, well at least for a place that's been abandoned as long as this has," Brian stated.

Brian was observing the inside of a room and Dylan was standing on the other side of the wall. Brian came up next to Dylan, in front of the camera.

"So we made it inside, and no security stopped us. So this place isn't guarded. It says no one is allowed, but there's no police. Well, unless they're really good at hiding. We circled around quite a lot before coming inside. Well I guess they just put it there for show, huh," Brian snickered.

"It's weird, but anyway let's start talking about history. Ay Brian?"

"I don't remember it, you know you're the one that remembers things better."

"Figures," Dylan said with annoyance clear in his voice. "Anyways, this place was supposed to be a hospital. Well, it was a hospital, but supposedly there was another business going on with it, at least after the fire. A new company took over and rebuilt it. A lot of patients died before the hospital shut down. It was larger than the normal amount of people dying around the same time. There have been a lot of theories about it, but no one is sure about it. There had to have been something going on, people who came in for sprained ankles ended up dying," Dylan explained with a freaked look.

"They were really sucky about keeping people in shape, weren't they."

"Some patience went mad," Dylan decided to go onto that topic of this hospital's history.


"No one knows, they just suddenly went mad. They started attacking people, even the ones who weren't able to walk."

"That's sad but kind of funny to imagine,," Brian said to himself. Dylan heard it and gave him a side eye. Brian saw it and immediately apologized,"Sorry...That's freaky."

"I know! One even bit off a nurse's ear," Dylan exclaimed.

"That sounds like some Van Gough crap," joked Brian.

"No swearing," Dylan scolded while hitting Brian weakly.

"You said that sh*t was the least worst out of all the bad words," Brian complained, earning him another weak hit.

"Well yeah, even my grandma says that word, but still. My niece watches this! This is a channel that can also be for kids, they can't hear those words!"

"Kids are corrupted these days anyway. They're all little devils these days," Brian argued.

Dylan hit Brian again while saying,"That's not true...Entirely." He thought for a moment before adding," Well I don't want to add on to that."

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