Chapter 6: Playdate

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When they got to Chaz's house the first thing they did was make food.

"I was rushing, so I didn't have time for breakfast. Why didn't you have breakfast?"

"Well I was also in a rush," Timothy replied while looking towards the books on the TV."

"Really? What are you looking at." Chaz asked. When he followed his eyes though he smiled. "Yes I still have the books."

"We're looking at those after," declared the brunette.

Chaz chuckled and replied,"Of course!"

They made pancakes and waffles and did not leave a single one of them untouched. Wasting is a big no-no for them, you see? They chatted about childhood and all the things they used to do together. They made plans after plans about what to do after eating. Doing the dishes was surprisingly a fun time to just mess with each other. It was dangerous with the plates but they kept poking each other on the waist, the neck, and the face. It was like old times. It was weird how they so quickly turned back time like that. Maybe they were trying to avoid all the world's problems and just think of the present, they didn't want it to end. Being away meant being stuck in those dark depressing places. Neither wanted to be alone, the very thought made each shutter.

They ran to the books and grabbed random ones. Each book was remembered and they were just talking about their favorite parts of each book.They laughed and made fun of each other, just like the good old times. .

After being done with the books, they played video games and watched movies. It was getting dark and they started getting some snacks.

"I guess I should probably leave soon."

"They must be worried since you didn't call them." Chaz didn't know what to call Timothy's current foster parents, so he just resorted to an easy 'they'.

"Maybe they are, but it's not because of me."


"Nothing. Let's just eat the cookies. I'll get a glass for the milk."

"Man, we're children," Chaz laughed, trying to lighten the mood that got so low suddenly.

Timothy laughed and added,"Childish and proud."

Timothy walked over to the cabinet where he knew the glasses were at. He was short so he had to stand on his tippy toes and reach out his hand real far to reach it. While his hand was reaching out his sleeves lowered. Chaz looked at the skin under it with shock. There were a whole bunch of bruises under the clothes.

"What are those? How'd you get them?"

Timothy noticed what Chaz was talking about and hurriedly took his arm back and covered it up holding it to his chest.

"What," Timothy said, playing dumb.

"You had bruises on your arm. A lot of them, really bad ones too."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

When Chaz made it to where Timothy was he grabbed his arm and rolled the sleeves down. "Who did this?"

"No one."

"Timothy," Chaz yelled in rage. He then calmed down so as not to freak out the other. " Was it people at school?"

"I don't know."

"You know. Who was it?"

"I'm used to this okay! It's fine," Timothy tried assuring.

Chaz was not buying it though and stated, "I'm sticking with you all day at school from now on. I'll be checking."

The brunette was sort of touched by the declaration, but mostly just scared and annoyed. He shouted, "I don't need you to be okay! Just quit it and leave me alone!"

"As I said before, I am not leaving you alone. Clearly you don't need to be alone, in fact you need help," Chaz pointed out.

"I'm good."

"No you're not."

Timothy started breaking down into tears. Chaz pulled him into a hug to comfort him. The brunette refused to say anymore, but he would give in to the comfort.

Once the waterworks stopped Timothy said, "I'm tired."

"Just stay here then."

"My foster parents would go crazy."

"Just call them and tell them, that would take care of the issue."

"Maybe a little," Timothy said, sounding defeated.

"Why the face, and the voice?"

"It's just a little overprotective is all. Their daughter died after all."

"How? What happened?"

"She was the party type apparently. She'd stay out real late and get drunk and do stupid things. One time, the stupid caused her death. They didn't know until the police showed up the next day."

"Well that's unfortunate, but why should they worry over you if you give them a call?"

"They've gotten very paranoid. They think I'm gonna party or whatever."

"You and partying,"Chaz laughed at the image coming into his brain.

"There's a chance of that happening," Timothy pointed out, "A very low chance, but a chance nonetheless."

"Mhm, sure," Chaz stifled a laugh. "Look, just call them, they might not have a problem with it."

"Fine." Timothy went over to the phone and called them. They put up a fight about it, but Timothy wouldn't give them any choice. He thought to himself, "I might pay for this later, but I really don't want to deal with them now."

"All good," Chaz asked when Timothy hung up the phone.

"Yeah. You're mom's not coming home right?"

"Late at night. You can just stay in my room and I'll lock the door. She never goes in there."

"Okay," Timothy gave in without much of a fight. He didn't have the energy.

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