Chapter 9: Pack It

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 The two were packing for the park. Chaz brought a knife just in case. After talking with Timothy a little, he found out that a knife could stab into the flesh of a Bitja, but it would only do so much damage. It'd heal real quick, but it could act as a little distraction. Timothy was sitting and relaxing. He had already got all that he needed, himself. The boy just needed to relax, to try and build up his power. Today they were prepared to wipe out that creature. It had taken lives, way too many. Chaz felt rage thinking about the girl and her family. They didn't deserve any of that and he hated himself for feeling a bit bad for the creature itself. It had no control over itself, he understood that. His thoughts were all over the place. He didn't know what to feel. All he felt was guilt for both sides. His indecision made his inner hatred grow just enough to not let him forget it. He believed the two of them were doing the right thing though. Chaz didn't know much about the organization. All he knows is that he hates it and wants to bring it down.

"Maybe after this, we could go to the source of the problem,"' Chaz thought to himself. It was risky considering how much power they seem to have, but Chaz would be willing. "My emotions are all over the place these days!"


"Huh," Chaz gasped realizing he had said that aloud. "Oh! Just thinking about how nerve racking this is."

"You're just gonna stand back so you don't have anything to worry about."

"Pretty sure I still have you to worry about."

Timothy didn't say anything back.The thought of murdering his old acquaintance didn't sit right with him. Guilt rips through him, but he just has to keep reminding himself that she would want this. He just wanted to end her suffering.

"You ready Timothy? Cause I know I am."


"Good then let's go before it gets dark."

The two went outside and started to walk towards the park. It was a silent walk through the cold breeze. It was getting darker, the time was almost here.

"Chaz, you know...I...You are my closest friend. You know that right?"

"Well I do now.Good cause you're also my closest friend."

"You have tons of friends at school though?"

"None of them are here with me ready to protect me with their lives."

Timothy looked down before saying,"If I die~"

"You ain't dying, got that? I didn't mean it like that. You're stronger, I know you are."

"Well thanks for the confidence boost."


They burst out laughing and the rest of the walk was comfortable. Even knowing what was about to happen, they remained calm. They made it to the park and went under a pavilion. Chaz set his stuff on the ground and sat on a bench. Timothy sat next to him looking around.

"Not here yet."

"I noticed that Timmy. She probably won't come for a while. We'll just wait."

"It's not completely dark yet so it will. Last time it was ...I don't know, I wasn't looking at a clock...Anyway, we'll be ready for her."

"What are we gonna do till the time passes?"


"That's boring!"

"You wanna die?"

"Well I'm gonna die of boredom anyway if we just sit here!" Chaz really didn't want to sit in silence.

"Fine! You're a child. Let's play...What can we play just sitting here?"

"Ah! I got it! I spy!"

"I spy? We kids or something?"

"Come on Timmy! We can just sit here and if one of us sees her we'll just scream, 'I spy a creature!' Doesn't that sound fun?"


"Come on, don't be a Debbie downer."


"Okay I'll start. I spy something blue!"

"The sky?"


"The water?"

"How's that blue? More like green or brown...Yeah I can't even tell."

"That building."


"Your shoes."


"Your shirt?"


"My shirt?"


"Then I have no freaking clue!"

"I'll give you a hint. You see you can't see them."

"What the? What's that supposed to mean? See? Wait....Is it my eyes?"


"I can't even see my eyes!"

"I know that was in the hints." Chaz smiled his mischievous smirk.

"Ay ay ay. Seriously?"

They continued this bickering for a couple of hours, along with playing a few more games. It was really dark now and they had a flashlight on right now. Suddenly Chaz saw something in the corner of his eyes.

"I spy a beast!"

Confusion appeared on Timothy's face as he said," We're not playing I spy anymore, why...," then realization dawned on him. Chaz hoisted himself and Timothy out of the way as the beast came close to killing them.

This was it. There time to kill the monster in front of them. Not the girl Timothy knew, and never a friend of Chaz's. It was fighting time.

And another thing, no more games when on a stakeout.

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