Chapter 4: Dying of News

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"Screw all of them," Lucas screamed as he kicked a rock in the park. "I hate it! I hate everything! Dang it!" He fell to his knees grabbing his hair on each side. "I ran from that freak, and got beaten up by Chaz. I hate them! " He was on the brink of tears while saying,"Why do I have to be like this? Why so weak?" He got up off the ground and continued walking. "Look at what I'm doing now being a weakling. I'll never change, I should just die already." He stopped at his sudden thought. The blonde couldn't get those thoughts out of his head and continued walking in the empty park. It was dark and he was wasting his day away from home. His father looked very upset after he left his office. His mother left him, he didn't want his father to leave him too, so he couldn't let his dad know the truth. Tears started up again but a scream interrupted him. He ran over to where the sound was coming from. Once he made it over the top of the hill he froze. The woman who screamed was already dead. She lies on the ground with some winged creature above her, taking its claws out of her stomach. He looked at the beast and realized it looked human, but it was somehow off. It had long black hair and it had super long nails, more like claws. They were black and the black continued onto its flesh, it looked to be rotting. The creature heard him walk over and looked directly in his eyes. He gulped looking into the dark abyss which were those eyes. It had no pupils or it just had huge pupils cause the whole eye was black and lined with gold. It was pasty white with rotting sides. He stepped back slowly, he got to three steps in before he turned around and started running. It was no use though. The creature flew and picked him up from behind and flew into the air. He shivered at the feeling of the rotting arms around him, the smell filled his lungs and made him choke. The creatures growled, but it seemed to be in pain. He looked back, but couldn't look directly into the eyes. He looked down when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The creature had moved so its claws dug deep in his stomach. He screamed in pain and tried to get away from the pain to no avail. His vision began to blur and he lost his energy.

"Is this how I die? I've been wanting to, but not like this. It hurts, it really hurts," he thought while his breath started shortening. It didn't help the pain when he thought about his friends at school or his father, who had so much faith in him. Once he was dead the creature let go of him and he fell all the way back to the ground. His lifeless body landed right next to the other victim. Two bodies, two sets of tears, and nobody else to see them.

The Next Morning

A mother and her child were walking in the park before the little girl had to go to school. She needed to let out some of her energy before school, or else there would be another conversation from the teacher about how the girl acted in class.

"Emily, don't run too far from me. Let the old folk catch up."

Emily just laughed and ran faster feeling mischievous. She ignored her mother yelling and ran up a hill and over while looking back at her mother. She started running down the hill without looking. As she was turning back she tripped over something. Her face planted into the grass. When she came to her senses the first thing she noticed was the smell. She got up and covered her nose. She looked back and screamed.

"Emily," her mother screamed, running up the hill to see what was wrong. She saw the bodies and yelled,"Emily! Come over here! Now!'

This time Emily listened and ran to her mom. She ran to her mom's arms shaking and crying. Her mother looked just as horrified as she picked her up and took her down the hill away from the horrid scene.

Chaz was watching TV at his house alone. His mother wasn't home at the time. She never was though. She didn't even know he was suspended or if she did, she didn't say anything to him about it. She only came home at night to sleep while he himself was asleep. When he woke up, she had already left the house. He understood she had to work a lot, but it was lonely not ever talking to her. He didn't really know her much anymore. All he ever heard from her was her moving around when coming home and he happened to be awake. He never went out to greet her though. All the times he tried before she was tired and he didn't want to stop her from getting her rest. She had to leave earlier than him despite getting home last. She needed all the sleep she could get.

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