Chapter 1 : Morning Horrors

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Faces were everywhere, crowding him, smothering him, murdering him with their stares. So much blood, it made him sick. An enormous amount of pain was coming from every crevice of his body. His screaming covered the whole room, making his throat ache. He felt as if blood was seeping through his throat. The pain continued and only got worse, he could do nothing, he was helpless. It continued on for hours and hours. He was reaching the last bit of sanity he had left. Every bit of sanity left his body, he wanted to crush everything in his way, everything making him feel this pain. Reaching for the power that was inside him he...

...Opened his eyes, tears flowing from his eyes like a waterfall. His tiny frame was shaking as he curled in on himself. No one was there to comfort him as usual. The small boy lied there for a while until he was able to get a grip on himself.

The brunette got up and got dressed in his school uniform. He put a white turtle neck on first, covering his collar. The boy was never able to take it off, no matter how much it hurt him he never wanted it off.The feelings he had for the collar, he couldn't explain. The reflection in the mirror made him bubble with rage that spread all throughout his body.

"This is the smallest size they've got!"

His alarm went off, causing him to stiffen. He stood still for a few seconds, but then turned off the alarm quickly, not wanting to wake any others in the house. He had to get up extra early in the morning since there were no morning buses and he wanted to get to school early. No one would drive him in the morning, so he had to walk about half an hour to get to school. He looked at his purple and pink room with distaste. He hoped he wouldn't be in this house for very long. Sadly, he didn't know how long that would actually be.

Timothy went downstairs and grabbed his bag, it was tattered and not the best quality. It meant a lot to him though, so he never got rid of it, despite how broken it has become.

He went to the door and sighed. He didn't want to go, but he had no choice, unless he wanted to get in trouble. The brunette opened the door and slowly walked out. He knew that he would get bullied, there was no avoiding it. Still just wanted to give the bullies less chances of getting to him. If he went early it was likely he wouldn't have to deal with them.

Timothy got to school and walked in the halls, already he felt a lot of burning holes on him. The stares caused him to shiver. It was hard to avoid since he was a weird looking kid. Reasons being one, he has an eye patch that he didn't have a choice in wearing. Second, his hair was so fluffy and its color was a little off, it's just always been like that. Third, his eye color was weird, it was darker than what usual blue would be. There were too many to count, and for all these differences he was tormented constantly in school and even at homes he stayed at. The boy couldn't help but feel he deserved it, and he doesn't know why. It's just a random feeling he's felt his whole life that he couldn't explain. Like he's done something unforgivable.

Timothy couldn't stand the stares and started to walk towards his first class at a faster pace. He eventually found it, although it took forever. He still managed to get there a little early though. A seat was spotted that was perfect since it was at the back and next to a window. The midget zoomed towards it and immediately sat down.

After a few minutes the bell rang, which startled an unfocused Timothy. The teacher walked in, she had light brown hair with brown eyes and wore glasses. She wore a yellow shirt and a pink, long dress. The female had a look that read 'I don't like any of you and I don't want to be here' and it frightened the new student.

" Hi class, we have a new student. I'm Ms. Gundersan. Introduce yourself."

The one she was speaking of tensed up and just stared at her in fear, knowing he was the unfortunate soul that she was speaking to. He always hated this part of being in a new school.

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