Chapter 3: Trouble

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All eyes turned on Timothy and he gulped at the attention. His heart was racing fast as everyone eyed him up and down with their judgemental eyes.

"What's your name," asked the teacher.

'T-Timothy," he said.

He really hated that no matter how many times he does, he still can't get used to it.

"Nice to meet you Timothy, I'm Mr.Union, the Social Studies teacher. Welcome to Seraphein High!"

Timothy sat down and basically sighed in relief that it was a short introduction. He saw at the corner of his eye, Chaz giving him a thumbs up. Timothy just glared at him, as he knew the other was chuckling at his nervous introduction.

Just as Mr.Union was about to start the class the ding of the announcements came on.

"Will Chaz Carter and Timothy Kline please report to the principal's office."

The two got up wondering why they were being called to the principal's office while the rest of the class oohed as if they knew that the two were in huge trouble. "Stupid kids," Timothy thought as he walked out.

A lot of futile attempts on Chaz's part to try and get Timothy to talk happened, it was pretty awkward. When they finally reached the principal's office Chaz was the one to knock on the door. Once hearing a ,"come in," Chaz opened the door. When the door was fully opened they saw the principal in his desk along with Lucas in all his bruised glory sitting in the chair closest to the desk. Timothy wondered how he got bruised and looked at Chaz who had an annoyed face while looking at Lucas.

"Come sit down," ordered the principal.

The two obeyed and sat on the two chairs farthest away from the Principal and Lucas.

"Chaz I heard that you attacked Timothy and Lucas."

Shock and confusion filled Timothy as that sentence left the principal's lips.

"He attacked my friend. I was only getting payback."

"Lucas would never go after anyone. He's a good boy."

"Don't believe everything he says just because he's your son."

Timothy didn't know he could be in even more shock till he found out that fact.

"I don't allow my relations to interfere with my decisions."

"Wanna bet," Chaz questioned sarcastically.

"Chaz! You are suspended for the rest of the week. We do not tolerate violence in this school."

'H-he didn~"

"Timothy. I only brought you here to see the damage that he caused you. Now that I have seen it, you can leave.In fact, you can go home for the day. I'll allow it."


The principal glared at him and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Chaz just shaking his head.

"Chaz," he whispered. Chaz smiled at him before glaring at the other two in the room. Timothy got up and left the room. He waited outside the door for a few minutes until the door opened and Chaz came out.

"I'm sorry," Timothy apologized.

"Don't worry about it. That jerk always gets his way. I was gonna get punished either. My rage sometimes gets the best of me. I probably should've just listened to you, but nope."

Timothy just stayed silent as they walked down the hall. Chaz took out his keys from his book bag, which caught the brunette's interest.

"You can drive now?"

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