Chapter 5: Curling Up

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 Chaz stopped by the house. He set his car in park and got out of the car, feeling a sense of dread. The feelings kept rushing to him and he couldn't explain them. Walking up to the door he started to knock. The door slid open after his knock, noticing the scratch marks all over the door, he rushed inside.

"What," Chaz questioned, looking around. "Emily? Emily's Auntie? Emily's dad?" No one answered, the sickening feeling in his stomach was only getting worse. When he was getting close to the back, his stomach flipped. Seeing the forms, he ran to the back room and yelled, "Emily!" He ran to the two bodies. One seemingly looked like it was trying to protect the other, but both looked to be stabbed in the stomach. The image puts Chaz in a state of shock. Chaz fell to his knees right next to them and sobbed. "What? Why? Why!?" He cried and cried, each one getting louder after the other. Looking at the father and daughter lying dead, the whole family was gone. Somewhere in his jumbled thoughts, he remembered that he needed to notify someone. "I've got to call the police." He got up and took out his cell phone. He wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. Calling the police, he had to put on the strongest voice he could muster." After ending the call Chaz just sat in another room away from the bodies. He'd wait till the police were there and leave when he could.

He didn't go to school that day. The next day though, he didn't want to be alone, so he decided to go to school. He needed to be around other people. He didn't trust himself alone. He wanted to talk to someone, but didn't dare to. He arrived at school and avoided everyone. Or at least he tried, but Andrew found him.

"Hey buddy, welcome back! A lot happened while you were away. You know Lucas died!"

"I know, I saw it on the news," Chaz tells him.

"Why so down? Not like you two were close. I get the principal leaving, but not you."


"Yeah the old one quit the day after his son died. He was apparently sobbing in his office the whole day. He didn't come back the next day."

"I can't say I blame the guy." Chaz tried leaving, but Andrew pulled him back.

"Well anyway, I found out Jessica wants to go to the new restaurant with us as long as you're there. So make sure to come okay."

Chaz felt disgust run throughout his whole entire body towards the other boy. All he said in reply was, "I don't feel like going." He didn't want to be alone, but for some reason Andrew was not someone he wanted to be around, nor was Jessica. It's funny since he's had a big crush on her all this time and he just doesn't care at this moment whether or not she wants him back or not.

"What!? That's not like you at all. Have you lost your marbles!? What happened during your vacation?" Chaz remembered the days he was gone and froze. "Chaz? Hello?"

He didn't want to say anything more to the other so he just took off the other way ignoring Andrew shouting at him. He turned the corner and ran into somebody. Both fell to the floor with a pound thump. When Chaz opened his eyes he saw an angry Timothy.

"What the heck are you doing running like a maniac?"

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered before getting up.

Timothy saw that something was wrong and softened while he asked,"What's wrong?"

"I-I-I...I can't," he ran away from Timothy.

Timothy shouted for Chaz to come back. When he realized he wouldn't, he ran after him. Chaz ran into the one janitor closet before Timothy turned the corner. He couldn't see the other boy. He tried jumping to look over people, but he still couldn't see him. Worry filled his mind. "What am I doing? I'm trying to stay away from him. I can't. He'll get over whatever is ailing him, he always does," he thought. Then he heard a screech, he looked towards it and found a girl and a boy slamming the janitor's door closed. They both looked ticked and walked off somewhere.

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