Chapter 10: Death Do Us Part

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 The creature landed on the ground and slowly brought up its head, looking directly into their eyes. There was a moment of silence before the creature started walking towards them.Timothy could only look in fear and dread as she came closer. The Bitja let out a cry that brought Timothy back from his swarming emotions, it was a sound of immense pain. In a split second the creature had rushed over to Chaz. Timothy moved along with it and focused all his energy into his kick. The kick sent the creature back a few feet back.

"Chaz, stand back now!"

"I kind of won't be able to if it keeps coming at me!"

"I'll keep it from you!"

"We'll see."

"What," the brunette hissed.

"Look out!"

Timothy looked back and just at the last second dodged the hand that was trying to grab his neck.

"Don't distract me!"

"Don't talk to me then!"

"Shut up!"

"We'll both shut up then."

Timothy was focusing on his powers trying to drag it back up, more like Skizel's. He doesn't like using them, but in this situation he had no choice. The creature used its leg to kick at him, probably trying to get payback for that earlier kick. Or at least that's what Timothy figured, it was that childish thought that he knew the other had. He grabbed the foot that came out and pulled it forward and focused all his energy into his hand. He felt his nails grow to a sharp point, enough to at least stab a human to death. He ran his hand down the creature's stomach. He was aiming to kill, but the creatures shrieked and dashed back holding its bloody stomach. It wouldn't heal, but it would take a lot more than just that to kill the creature.

"Woah, this makes me terrified, but kind of happy that I don't die that easily. Imagine all the fights I could've won," complained the brunette looking towards Chaz, just a little jokingly.


"What, oh sorry. I'm back," he replied while turning back to the creature. The creature had its claws out too. It managed to get Timothy's left cheek before he had leaped away."Crap! My face! Okay I'll focus now," he said, cradling his bloody cheek.

The creature had kicked Timothy's leg from out under him and held its deadly nails above his head. It pulled its arm back ready to kill, but a stab to the stomach where it was still open had caused it to stop. It looked to its side to see Chaz was holding a knife into the creature's stomach. It screamed as he sliced through its flesh. It pulled back in pain, getting a knick on Chaz's arm before it went fully back.

"Crap," Chaz cursed, holding his arm. It bled a little, the blood soaking his now torn shirt. It was a long scratch, but not very deep.

"So you can do something if you stab at an already existing wound. I doubt you can do that again. It won't let you now, stay back now. Thank you though!"

"No problem buddy!"

Chaz went back and Timothy stared back at the creature which was trying to get its composure back.

"Don't fail again. No running. You will not come back till they're dead. Kill them! We lost a soul per night now thanks to you! Don't mess it up this time!"

The memory made the creature flinch. It gained more energy with it though. With a scream it charged right back at Timothy. It raised its nails ready to cut him. The brunette had dodged the attack and grabbed the creature's arms with his hand. He swung the creature around and threw him at a tree. Before the creature could get up, Timothy stabbed it in the chest. Screaming, the beast went for the brunette's legs. Timothy was able to move, but not without getting his legs sliced a little.

"So this is how it feels to have ripped jeans," Timothy joked while pain showed clearly on his face.

The creature got up and charged towards Timothy, slower than before. Timothy raised his hand in fear and scratched the beast's face. The beasts yelped in pain, holding its bleeding face. While the creature was down Timothy took his chance and used his nails and ran them across the creatures neck. Next thing the creatures decapitated and fell to the ground. The rest of the body fell down afterwards. Blood soaked Timothy, most not his own. He was breathing heavily, he looked up when he saw lights. Shining blue lights were coming from the body. Once away from the body they began forming a silhouette. Once the form was completed a face was shown that made Timothy's eyes water. There was the little girl from his memories. She smiled at him mouthing, 'thank you" to him as she started to fade away.

"Wait," he begged with tears coming down his face now. It was no use though, she had faded, leaving him. Chaz ran up to him rubbing his shoulder in comfort. "I was so focused on the whole situation that I forgot about how much it would actually hurt to do it. I knew it was necessary, I knew she wanted to be free, I knew I had to kill her, I knew it would hurt. I saw her and I just remembered all those days way back when. We only had each other. I was the one to get away. I left her. Now I've killed her."

"Not your fault. You had no choice in the matter.She was killing people. She may have not meant it, meaning she would've wanted you to do what you did. She was saved by you. None of this was any of your fault. You were doing what you had to do," Chaz insisted.


"Not your fault!"

Timothy looked down. Just then he remembered, "How's your arm?"

"It doesn't hurt too much, but you are much more beaten up buddy," Chaz pointed out.

Timothy looked at himself and saw his bloody legs and still felt the blood come from his cheeks. "Oh!"

"Yeah, 'Oh!' Let's get you patched up."



"Can we bury her?"

Chaz looked back at the corpse. He sighed and said,"Yes. I'll get a shovel. There must be something around here."

Chaz found a shovel and Timothy found a place to bury her. He said,"We used to talk about amethyst flowers all the time. Her parents were growers before they were caught and killed. While imprisoned, she still remembered all that, along with her favorite flowers. She loved the color purple. She was a lovely girl before they did all that to her. I will remember her as she was, not what she was made to be."

They dug the grave and set the corpse within it. Chaz was filling the grave while Timothy looked at the body being covered with dirt. Sadness coming onto his face before looking away. Once Chaz was done he threw the shovel somewhere and sat next to Timothy. He wrapped his arms around the shorter boy and pulled him closer. Something in Timothy broke and busted out in tears, lying his head on Chaz's shoulder letting it all out. He just realized that he's been crying a lot lately.

"It's all fine now. She's at peace now. You've done what you needed to do," Chaz comforted the other.

Timothy pulled away once he stopped crying, they just sat there until sunrise, looking at the grave. There were mixed emotions all around. Timothy felt guilty, sad, and yet he felt relaxed. The girl was at peace and there was nobody else getting killed. Chaz felt guilty as well, not knowing how he felt. He felt bad for the creature knowing she didn't want any part of the killings, but satisfied knowing that the one who killed Emily and all those other people had been outed. In the end, it was just the two of them. They were not so alone, they had each other. They wouldn't let that be torn apart once again. Both wanted to protect the other, Chaz being determined to get stronger after this whole experience. They'd both have each other's back no matter what. 

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