Chapter 8: Uncovering

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The next morning Chaz's mom was already gone, so they had avoided that confrontation without trying. Once they got to school they went straight to the library. The two went to a computer and Timothy was the one who sat on that chair selecting a browser.

"I've seen creatures like that in my dreams," Timothy revealed.

"What," Chaz questioned.

"They all seem to feel like memories to me. Like I actually experienced them before."

"Really? You've had experience with things like that."

"Not other than yesterday, or at least none that I remember."

" I wouldn't want to remember those either."

"That one yesterday."


"I had a dream about a girl that night. They both gave off the same energy. They also kind of looked alike. I say kind of so as not to offend the lady, because that creature was rotting. I may have known her before, but she looked a lot different in my memories."


"Yeah she looked more human. She was just a child then too. I don't know how she ended up like that."

"What happened in the dream."

"Well I was apparently supposed to be a part of something where I gave myself to someone or something. Doing this separated me from this girl though. It was hard to watch. The guy called us Lepa Bitjas.," Timothy crinkled his face while explaining.

"Look up Lepa Bitjas!"

Timothy listened and looked it up. A whole bunch of things in a different language popped up. "Okay, so we need a translator." He went to one and typed in Lepa Bitja. "Beautiful creatures....Okay, so the guy was just being a creep. We're at square one again."

"Well this sucks," a defeated Chaz said.

"Oh," Timothy shouted, scaring Chaz. "He also said something about Kri making sure of whatever the heck their plans were." He typed Kri into the translator by accident and it translated into,"Blood." Timothy and Chaz looked at each other, not knowing whether to be scared or laugh. "Just blood. Nothing else. Short for anything? Dang, my former captors were tripping."

"Try looking it up actually."

"Fine." Timothy typed it into the actual search engine and what he saw was, "Key risk indicator....Yeah that helps us Chaz. Let's use the key risk indicator to help us assess how much danger we're in THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW!"

"Okay we're having no luck with the internet, how about your mind?"

"My mind?"

"Yeah, you say you have vague memories, let's pop 'em out."

"I'm not sure I like the way you phrased that."

" "Yeah, whatever. How do we start?"

"Can't get anybody else involved with this, so I guess it's just up to me."

"That's not hopeful."

"You're not much help either buddy," Timothy shot back.

"Very true, anyway get on with it. Remember. Start thinking about those memories and focus on them."

"Well here goes nothing," the shorter one hesitated.

He thought about that dream of him, the girl, and the creep. He remembered being scared and feeling helpless. There seems to be a lot more hidden there that he can't remember. Why? He doesn't know and it's bothering him. He tried thinking about it after he had already left the girl. Getting dragged to a room, a room he vaguely remembered and he wouldn't like to remember anymore. Although, he had to so he could help his friend escape death.

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