The Last Page

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If you’re finally reading this, my dearest Amaranthine, it only means one thing. You have finished reading the book. And if it’s not, this book will sadly fade into obscurity. I cannot stand the fact that I’m the only one to remember, so it’s better for it to be buried as well as my deepest limerence with you. I’ll say goodbye to the feelings that didn’t even achieve equal reciprocation. But before that, let me tell you once again that I’m deeply, sincerely, madly, truly, passionately, with a huge amount of affection, in love with you. No words can actually describe how much I feel about you. Is this love, or is it so much like that? Is this also a special kind of affection, or is it just because you are truly special that I feel this way? If you’re reading this, could you approach me again like before? I promise this time I’ll be better. I can’t wait any longer because I already miss you, so when the time comes, I’ll be prepared. There're no minutes or seconds you never crossed my mind. It seems like you lived here rent-free, and you will just leave when you say that I don’t stand a chance at all. I’ll never be, because you never even knew me. You never even knew that someone ever admired you like I do. If I’m existing in your world, it’s just because I lived there, but we don’t have the deepest connection. I’m just like your neighbor, your classmate, your co-worker, and a stranger. I will never be your roommate, your friend, your peer, or especially your lover. That’s why I came here, in the human world, to feel exactly how you lived, how you experienced things, and many more things, but I felt lost. The area was empty because, in the first place, I wasn’t even there, and I’m not even talking about the world. I’m talking about your heart; I’m talking about your mind and your smile. Where was I?

Sincerly yours,
Queen =(

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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