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Sitting in a dimly lit room with nothing but the echoes of her own thoughts, the girl felt the weight of her world crushing her from all sides. It had only been 35 days since she lost her parents, a grief still raw and searing through her heart like a relentless blade.

Each passing day felt like a cruel reminder of her solitude. Now, without the warmth and security of a home, she was thrust into a harsh reality where every moment was a battle for survival.

Her uncle and aunt, who should have been her protectors, had instead taken everything her parents left behind, leaving her destitute and abandoned. Betrayed by family, she wandered the streets, her stomach a constant knot of hunger, her eyes searching desperately for any sign of compassion or a scrap of food.

And today some boys were trying to harrass her but the man saved her...she is feeling so overwhelmed because after so many days, a person helped her but she don't know her name...

In the morning when she wake up she goes down to check for the man but she found two man's who are fighting with each other and the first one is the man who helped her she started walking towards him when the other man held the coller of the first one

She saw that a car is coming, she ran fast as she can when the first one (arsh) pushed the other man (faris) but at the same time the girl came between and save Faris from coming in front of car and thuddddd

The accident happened with that innocent girl but her eyes are shining like a bright star

"Finally I'll get peace now, I'm coming mama papa" she said and closed her eyes

While the whole family is shocked like hell suneha, ahaan and umar witness the whole scene what happened there

Noor run toward the girl who is lying in blood

"Take her to the hospital fast" suneha said

Umar take the girl and they all left for the hospital except one

Arsh was standing there like a statue, this girl was the same girl whom he helped yesterday but why she came between both of them, and why his heart is feeling a very bad, he is feeling like his heartbreak can stop at any moment....he was walking on deserted road and he dialler zain's number

Zain: what's up bro

Arsh: because of me she lost her life

Arsh said without acknowledging his words

Zain: bro whom you are talking about

Arsh: that girl whom I save yesterday

Zain: I already told you that don't do anything stupid but you didn't listen to me and done whatever you want and now face the consequences

Zain cut the call and arsh was in dilemma

He again stated walking and now is in deep thoughts..

"I don't have any home" her words started ringing in his ear

"my parents died 35 days ago" his heart started getting heavy

"my uncle and aunt took all the money and threw me out of the house" his each and every step getting heavier

"I'm roaming on the streets" he stopped in his tracks

"Am sorry girl am sorry am sorry" he started crying for that girl and suddenly a car hit him badly and he lay on the ground and the last face he saw was that girl and closed his eyes

In the hospital

"Am sorry, she is dead" the doctor said and their was a brief silence

Somehow these three mans (Faris, ahaan and umar ) handled whole family

Suddenly Faris phone start ringing

"Hello" he said

"Sir there is a dead body of your brother" the other man said

"What" he said and everybody got alert

"Yes sir please take him, he has only your number" the other man said and told him the address

"Umar come with me" Faris said and they both went out of the hospital

They both reached at the accident place and saw that arsh is lying in the blood

Somewhere in his heart Faris felt bad for this poor soul, they both took the dead body and reached at their hotel

Time skip

They all reached at the hotel after the funeral of both souls all are crying for their loved ones but they all still don't know who is I that girl but after finding about some information they got to know that, the girl was orphan..

Suneha: "I still can't believe Arsh is gone. It all feels so surreal."

Huda: "I just can't imagine what you are going through I know you treated him like your own son losing a stepson is never easy."

Yunus: "We need to be there for her, now more than ever. She must be devastated."

Raziya: "Absolutely, we have to support her through this difficult time. It's the least we can do."

They share a moment of silence, remembering Arsh

Noor: "I miss his jokes, his playful banter. It's like a piece of our family puzzle is missing."

Raziya: "Suhana you must be feeling an unbearable pain. Losing a child, even a stepchild, is a wound that never fully heals."

Silence falls over them as tears well up in their eyes, each grappling with their own grief while trying to console Suhana, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss.

Ahaan and Faris both are standing together and watching there family

Ahaan: "I never thought I'd say this, but I can't shake off this feeling of sadness about Arsh."

Faris: "I know what you mean. Despite everything he put us through, his absence feels... strange."

Ahaan: "Remember all the times he tried to come between us and our family? It's hard to reconcile those memories with this grief."

Faris: "Yeah, he was always causing trouble, stirring up drama. But deep down, he was still family."

Ahaan: "I guess in his own twisted way, he was just trying to find his place. Even if it meant causing chaos."

Ahaan: "I just wish things could've been different. Maybe we could've found a way to understand him better."

Faris: "It's too late for 'what ifs' now. All we can do is try to make peace with his memory."

Ahaan: "Yeah, let's do it for mamma. She's hurting too, and she needs us now more than ever."

Despite their complicated history with Arsh, Ahaan and Faris find themselves mourning his loss, recognizing the complexity of family ties and the importance of coming together in times of sorrow.

This book is going to complete soon but still there is so Many things I have to write


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