August 26th-27th

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Another chapter tis done! I actually had this ready last week but managed to plan 3 more chapters after this which will take a bit but at least we're at another episode. This one felt a little difficult to alter which sucks for early episodes but things still happen so don't worry ;)

I don't own anything

Underlined Italics are Hiro's thoughts

Chapter 9 Darling in the FranXX

August 26th

Briefing Room

On the main monitor, there were various live captures around the Plantations displaying the evening sun emitting its final rays of sunlight as the ground quaked from the upcoming horde of Klaxosaurs. The rumbling gradually intensified near the abandoned city ruins of human civilization with raging gusts of dust and sand trailing behind each scuttling creature. Suddenly the skyscraper shook as a massive cube with blue horns approached, easily towering over the structure while it effortlessly trampled the building into the ground.

An automated voice reported, "Current distance to klaxosaur group: Approximately 4000." More update announcements began overlapping each other, all notifying matters of fortification or the status of the kissing progress, "ETA is still at 0210 hours."

"They're moving in a pack. Then that huge thing could likely be a klaxosaur too." pointed out Hachi as he and Nana observed the holograms floating around him, maintaining his usual stern composure. "But I've never seen one like it before."

August 27th

Pistil Changing Room

One by one, the girls began swapping out their uniforms for the special FranXX suit garments, "I heard the klaxosaur numbers are higher than estimated." noted Kokoro as she glanced at her squadmates, "Do you think we'll be able to come back here alive?"

"If nothing else, it won't be like anything we've experienced before," commented Ikuno as she passed through the shower barrier.

"We can just let Squad 26 handle everything." muttered Miku as she fixed her hair, "Y'know since we're dead weight, apparently"

"You're being awfully timid for once," remarked Ikuno.

Nearby, Ichigo stood silently, gently grazing her fingers over her lips as she remembered one of the first times she piloted her FranXX. The room suddenly became silent as the doors slid open, revealing Zero Two who walked over to her assigned locker.

"I think we'll be fine. After all, there's 11 FranXX grouped up together," stated Asuna who had already changed into the special garments. She turned to face the new arrival, smiling, "Can't wait to work with you, Zero Two," The ruby-horned pistil heard her words yet chose to ignore them, proceeding to switch out of her standard red uniform.

In the hallway, almost all the stamen marched out of their changing room down the ivory corridor.

"We can't afford to be too optimistic given the difference in numbers," advised Mitsuru.

Zorome smirks, falsely sensing the purple stamen's timidness, "Hey, don't go wimping out on us now." He closed his eyes as he raises an open hand over his chest plate, "We've got me, Zorome the Great, on our side,"

"Zorome aside, we can count on Strelizia this time," comments Futoshi, slightly crushing the pink stamen's pride.

"Anyway, we're not letting Squad 26 hog the glory," seethed Zorome as he clenched his teeth, ready to prove their parasite seniors wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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