August 23rd Part One

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Nothing tis mine.

Underlined Italics are Hiro's thoughts

Chapter 9 Flap Flap Part One

August 23rd

APE Central HQ Council

"Klaxosaur activity has increased lately, and large ones are reportedly showing up everywhere, which is unprecedented," announced Papa. Behind him played the recording of recent klaxosaur attacks.

"The Nines are dealing with them for now, but they still have other tasks to complete," comments Lemur.

"How long will we let Strelizia goof off?" questions Gorilla, crossing their arms. "Now that the special specimen's aptitude has been ascertained, we have no reason to leave it there any longer,"

"Indeed. It isn't wise to let her mix with tainted stamens any more," advised Marmoset.

"If we're recalling her, we'll have to ready a new stamen," noted Baboon.

The Vice-Chairman states "Not a problem. There are plenty of parasites who want to team up with her."

Boarding House Infirmary

Similarly to last night and practically every other hour, Mitsuru jolts awake by that exact nightmare. He gasps, taking heavy deep breaths as he massaged his neck before redirecting his right hand over his heart. He squeezed the fabric over his chest as the excruciating feeling of suffocation never seems to cease in his sleep. Heck, the longer his eyes stay shut, the more constricting the demon's bind becomes. Sunlight shines through a crack between the curtains as he began to shiver in the sheets.

"A demon..." quivered Mitsuru. He raised his arms onto his head, with his fingers digging into his olive, slick back hair. "She's a demon. You'd have to be insane to ride with her. She'll kill you."

Outside his concealed infirmary bed, Futoshi walked by the nightstand, retrieving the breakfast tray he had placed earlier. As for Kirito's tray, Asuna had done the same for him except, his tray was empty of food. As soon as Kirito had finished, he drifted back to sleep, taking a short nap before Nana and Hachi arrived for his testing. Futoshi paused to peek through the curtains, viewing Mitsuru in the same traumatized state as last time he'd seen him. Futoshi and Asuna walked out of the infirmary where Hiro, Ichigo, Kokoro, and Zorome lingered near, all rather concerned for their battered friend.

"How was he?" asked Ichigo.

Futoshi looked back towards Mitsuru with a sadden expression, "He hasn't touched his food at all." He looked down at the untouched meal, "Maybe I should eat it so it doesn't go to waste." Zorome leaned forward to peek into the room with his arms crossed behind his head.

"He's been like that ever since we got back," noted Zorome.

"You can't blame him though. Any near-death experience can be traumatizing, no matter how much time has passed," Asuna states. For the Zephilla pair, ever since they've first entered Aincrad, the sight of other players crystalize and vanish forever still haunts them. Moments, where they've almost become mere fragments of data, will eternally linger somewhere in the back of their minds. As she headed down the hall to return the empty tray, a certain black-haired stamen finally decides to march into the infirmary, pausing to block the sunlight from beaming through the curtain.

"Mitsuru...What happened with Zero Two?" Hiro's simple question instantly struck a nerve.

"What...happened?" He glared into Hiro's blue eyes before continuing with a quivering tone. "That girl tried to devour everything I have. My blood, my flesh, and my soul...All of it!" Hiro observed his internal breakdown in silence. "Everything was normal at first, but after a point, sh-she was out to kill me."

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