August 17th-19th

755 19 7

I don't own anything.

Underlined Italics are Hiro's thoughts

Chapter 5 What It Means To Connect

Hiro slowly woke up, his limbs felt heavy but he managed to rub his eyes. He heard a voice across the room, "Look he's awake."

Another voice said "Hiro!" Hiro sat up and looked around his surroundings, he was in the infirmary with Goro and Nana talking across the room and Ichigo quickly walking towards him. Before he could speak, she wrapped her arms around him. "Finally you're awake." she was relieved he was fine, she pulled away as Goro walked up behind her.

Hiro looked between all three of them and asked, "What happened? Is the klaxosaur gone?"

Both Goro and Ichigo stared at him in confusion. Goro informed him "That white and red FranXX from before eliminated the klaxosaur and you were one of the pilots."

Nana walked up with a tablet in hand, "Piloting Strelizia with her is dangerous, but luckily you only had minor injuries. Anyways you have been authorized to stay here with the rest of your squad. Tomorrow the startup ritual will resume and since you don't have a partner, you have to stand aside with me and the Doctor."

Hiro got up from the bed with Goro"s help, "Okay, got it."

Ichigo opened the door, "Now come on, let's go eat dinner." They walked across the room and entered the dining hall, which was oddly lively. Everyone was talking about today, either about their FranXX or about the Klaxosaur attack. Asuna and Kirito were on their pages, texting each other since they couldn't sit together. They conversed about Hiro mostly, especially about the questions he asked Kirito before. Asuna was a bit curious, she wanted to know more.

After dinner, everyone dispersed to their rooms except Hiro. He decided to step outside. Asuna saw him exit the house and followed him outside. He was sitting down on the porch looking at the path in front of him. Asuna knocked on the outside of the door, causing him to turn around. "Mind if I sit down?"

He scoots over a bit, "Sure, it's fine." She sat down beside him, then he suddenly remembered something that happened earlier. He gently touched his lips, "A kiss..."

She turned to him with a curious stare, "Hmm?"

"That's the only thing I remember from earlier." He turned to face her, "Have your lips touched Kirito's before?"

Asuna was unfazed from his question, "You mean if I have kissed him before?" He nods, "Yeah, I have multiple times. Why do you ask?"

"When she pulled me into the cockpit, she said I was now her darling and then she kissed me. I think afterward I started piloting her FranXX. Some of the others don't believe that I killed that klaxosaur." He hesitates before asking, "Do you believe me?"

She smiles, "Of course. Having your first kiss with the right person can easily form a strong relationship with them. FranXX are powered from the bond between two people, that act of love helped you easily pilot that FranXX." Her tone changed and became softer, "For me, Kirito is my darling, we give each other strength. Thanks to her, you were able to pilot. I'm happy that you found your darling." Her soft expression changed to a look of concern. Hiro could only stare at her in awe, her voice was captivating. She was still talking until she started waving her hand in his face while repeatedly calling out his name, "Hey Hiro." Then she started shaking him, "Hiro!"

He shook his head, "Huh, sorry. What were you saying?"

"Are you okay? Did I say something weird?"

He fixed his composure and reassures her, "No, I'm okay. I never thought that you would know so much about this stuff and you sound like her too. It was weird but calming in away."

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