August 20th-21st

659 12 0

Still don't own anything.

Underlined Italics are Hiro's thoughts

Chapter 7 Fighting Puppet Part One

Nana, Hachi, and the rest of the squad awaits as the adults retrieve Delphinium and Argentea's pilots. Both Zorome and Miku looked equally frustrated as they approached the group while the temporary Delphinium pair visibly sulked in their tracks. To some, Ichigo's puffy eyes were difficult to not notice. As for Hiro, with his ruffled black hair covering lifeless eyes, he reminded Asuna of when she first saw Kirito in the Underworld, disabled and confined to the system. They lined up with the rest of the squad, awaiting for any upcoming orders or events.

"Except for Code 015 and Code 016, all of you may return to Mistilteinn." directed Hachi. As told, Hiro and Ichigo remained as everyone else headed towards the elevator. Kirito and Asuna slowly trailed behind their squad.

"What do you think will happen to Hiro now?" wondered Asuna, her voice was barely loud enough for Kirito to hear.

"Don't worry. They won't do anything to him," consoled Kirito. "Besides, Zero Two's affected, too." He glanced behind to look at him. "Who knows what she'll do if something happens to him?"

Nana sighs in disappointment, "Ichigo, FranXX are supposed to be operated in pairs. It's dangerous to operate alone." Ichigo was well aware of her mistake, but a different action lingered in her mind.

Ichigo apologized, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Tomorrow morning, we'll retrieve both of you for scanning." said Hachi. Both Hiro and Ichigo automatically stiffen up, feeling more pressurized the longer they remain.

"This is just to evaluate the reason for your sudden disconnection." added Nana. Her statement somewhat reassured the two, sadly not as much as she hoped. "Go join the others and get some rest. We'll see you tomorrow." They responded with silent nods before retreating to the elevator, wanting tonight to end.

Boarding House

Immediately after returning, rather than converse of the current issue, everyone divided themselves into their respective gendered wings. But as for Asuna, she'd returned to the stairwell, waiting on the steps for them to return. Wanting to work on his little project in bed, Kirito walked towards the stairway until unexpectedly just to find his IRL girlfriend pondering on the stairs. He walked down and sat next to her. Surprisingly she hasn't noticed him yet. He poked her cheek, snapping her out of a dazed state. "Waiting for Hiro?" he asked.

"Oh, it's you Kirito~kun." She leaned forward and hugged her legs, "Yeah. Maybe it's just the mother part of me but I just can't help but worry about him." She rests her head on his shoulder, "Or maybe I just miss seeing Yui." Kirito placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I know what you mean. I had to live years without seeing you, Yui, or any of our friends." He paused before continuing, "But you're not the only one. Probably some of the rest feel the same about Hiro."

"Yeah..." mumbled Asuna. The Zephilla couple sat quietly for a few moments until Asuna realized why Kirito's still up. "Kirito~kun, how long are you gonna stay up?"

Kirito turned his head, muttering aside, "Just an hour or two."

"I hope so. You're still mentally damaged and I don't want you to push yourself too much."

Kirito rose from the steps and walked down, "I won't."

Asuna smirks as he jumped down, skipping the last couple steps, "Either way, I'm still gonna check later to make sure." Kirito stumbled his landing, he scratched his cheek as he turned his head back towards her, giving a nervous chuckle before heading down to the restricted hallway. Shortly afterward, Ichigo returned to the boarding house. She practically burst inside and briefly scanned the room upon realizing Asuna's presence. As an attempt to avoid eye contact, she rushed up the stairs past her. Asuna called out to her, "Ichigo-"

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