August 20th

688 15 10

I don't own anything.

Underlined Italics are Hiro's thoughts

Chapter 6 What It Means To Connect Part Two

August 20th


3 o'clock in the morning was a normal time for Kirito to be awake, thanks to all of his all-nighters. He'd spent the night rummaging in the restricted bedrooms, searching for any stowed away items like a spare page or any kind of tech lying around. Being the tech-savvy that he is, he decided to find a way to tamper with the security cameras. Despite knowing the risk of doing so could lead to potential memory loss, he still attempted due to the boredom of being imprisoned in this birdcage. He went to the extent of even ripping one of the mattresses open, just to find something useful. He flopped on the bunk-less bed and groaned in frustration, "Why couldn't some of these kids be rebellious like Zero Two?" He banged his fist on the wall, causing something wooden to fall over. Kirito felt around the wall for something and found a fallen panel near the bottom side of the bed. He picked it up, realizing it was an oddly perfect cut piece to conceal a hidden small box within the wall. He inspected the contents of the container, finding a spare page along with wires and a vial of magma.

"How the hell did parasites manage to get this?" he questioned. He tried grabbing the vial and opened it. It was still really hot but luckily the outside was insolated. He temporarily placed the items back in the hole and peeked out in the hall. "Now I need some kind of screwdriver." Then he got an idea. He snuck up the stairs towards the Pistil wing, trying to find his partner. Luckily she was bunking on top in the first room he checked. He quietly climbed up to wake her, "Asuna." he whispered, there was no response. "Asuna." he shook her and she groaned from being awakened.

She yawned trying to open her serene eyes, "Why are you here, Kirito~kun?" she whispered.

"Well, I kinda need help getting a knife from the kitchen."

She loudly whispered, "Wait, what? Why?" He placed a finger on her lips and decided to get down, he waved her over as he exited the room. Asuna groggily followed him and closed the door.

He admits, "I'm trying to figure out how to mess with the cameras so you can have time in the kitchen."

Asuna immediately lit up, "Alright, I'll show you where to grab one." The two crept down the stairs, hiding among the shadows to avoid the camera. She guided him down the halls of the restricted area where there was a door that led to the kitchen and pantry.

"It's pitch black in here. Shouldn't you turn on a light or open your page?" suggested Kirito.

"You can't, there's a camera in this room." she turned his head in the direction of a small red light blinking in the corner of the room. "So just stay here and I'll grab one." Kirito relied on his ears, hearing her soft footsteps and drawers open while waiting for her to return. She soon came out with a thin kitchen knife and asked, "So what's this for?"

"Just follow me." they walked to the restricted bedrooms. Asuna placed the knife of the bed as Kirito removed the wooden panel, grabbing the box and revealing the magma vial.

Asuna eyed the orange substance, "Where did you get that?"

Kirito opened the vial, "I just found it before I woke you." He dipped the tip of the knife in the vial, melting it down flat. "Perfect. Could you hold this, Asuna?"

Asuna grabbed the blunt knife as Kirito sealed the vial, "So this is your makeshift screwdriver?" she asked. Kirito nodded. "How long are you gonna tinker with the camera?"

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