August 16th

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So instead of one entire episode in one chapter like I did on Fanfiction, I split it in two. Anyways most of the chapters from now on are based off from the Darling in the FranXX anime events and timeline, minus some extra parts in between.  

Chapter 3 Alone and Lonesome Part One

High above the rocky wasteland, multiple aircrafts were heading towards a particular Plantation. A certain pink haired passenger on the main aircraft ponders in her seat. "...I wanna take a bath." she whined as she aimlessly stared out the window.

Dr. Franxx slightly turned his head back, "Not again. Show some self control." he remarks.

The pink haired girl sniffed her hand, then turned towards a man to her right. She removed the lollipop in her mouth and asked "Hey. How do I smell?" He didn't respond, he probably couldn't in his condition. He was restricted by multiple casts, some bandages on his head and forced to breathe with an oxygen mask.

"Let him rest. He's drained after the last battle." said Dr. Franxx, she ignored the doctor and placed her lollipop back in her mouth. Despite the amount of treatment her stamen was given, it looked like he won't be able to survive another battle. He scoffs "Sheesh. What a high maintenance girl."

Nana walked out from the door behind them, her heels clack with every step, then sat down in front of the stamen. She looked out the window and viewed the facility below. "Does Plantation 13 have an ocean?"

An odd and unexpected request, Nana questioned "An ocean?"

"I wanna swim in some clear ocean water." said the girl.

Nana responded "I'm sorry to say there's no ocean there. Won't a shower do?"

"I'm in the mood for a swim."

One of the crew announced, "We'll be descending shortly. Please sit down and buckle your seat belts."

"Understood." replied Nana. She turned back at the pink haired girl, "Let's continue this later."

The pink haired girl pulled her glove and licked her wrist, murmuring "I hate how I taste..."

Hachi announced, "That concludes today's briefing. Code 703, I need you to follow me back to the Admin building." He turned to the rest of the parasites, "I need Code 016 there too. If he shows up, tell him to go there."

"And if not?" asked Goro.

"If not, a search team will be sent out to find him." He walked towards the door, "Code 703, let's go."

"Ok I'm coming." As she slowly approached Hachi, the room quickly became dreary. Everyone in the room knew that tomorrow was the graduation ceremony but it's also Naomi's last day at the Plantation.

Immediately after she left, Ichigo got on her page and texted Hiro. She texted, 'The briefing was over. Contact me. We need to talk.' there was no response.

Asuna whispered to Kirito, "I'm gonna go prepare stuff for our picnic."

Kirito asked, "Do you want some help?"

She smiled, "Thanks but I don't want to get caught on camera sneaking around the pantry together."

He scratched the back of his head, "Oh right, I forgot." He slumped down onto the couch, "Just text me when you're done and I'll sneak out the backyard door."

She walked to the door, "Ok, see you later Kirito-kun~."

"Bye Asuna." He waved to her as she left the room, then laid back in his seat, looking up at the ceiling. He wanted to go out the window instead for some reason but that would have been too odd to be ignored.

Code 000: The FranXX of Black and WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now