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This is my first werewolf story. It would be awesome if you could comment or vote. Thanks!

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He was there with me at the moment, at a time I felt so much unbearable pain because  my whole world was to collapsing and the shards were already piercing my frame. I couldn't stand it all, my thoughts were chaotic, my hands seized to stop shaking and there was a nagging feeling in the back of mind that I had let someone important to me down. Why did I even try? Why couldn't I have just given up? Giving up seemed like it was long gone now, and even if I did, I would still feel haunted of this, of all of this. But then I saw him again at my side. He was calm, everything the opposite of me, despite the fact that I've never actually shown him anything other than some sort of confidence and the fact that he barely knew what was going on. He took me into his arms, the heat from his body embraced me while my mascara stained face rubbed off on the chest area of his shirt. His scent was intoxicating, sending me shivers and bits of comfort to my mind. But I was still done, the weight of everything had finally defeated me.

"I know you don't believe in yourself." He said. He let go of me for a second and pressed his lips onto my forehead. "But I always have."


The thing walked gracefully towards the park. It wasn't alive or dead, simply in the middle. It could be whatever it wanted, but it choose to be like how it was when it was still a nineteen year old girl. It didn't have much time left. Trips like these happened rarely. It had to be of great importance for it to leave in midst of its work. A job that was never ending, until another successor was chosen. The job was too important to leave for long as it held part of the world in its hands. Without souls working, a new type of war would rise.

The thing slowly solidified more, so now it was more characterized as a she. She could choose who she could appear to and who didn't see her at all. She smiled glancing down at her now solid fingers. It was a bit more than 5 years since she last appeared in the world. The last time would be when she died of old age. She wasn't upset, she lived a well life.

She held her head higher as she stepped to the park. Nothing was unusual on the day. It was bright and sunny. The parents sat down on the benches while their children ran about. The thing focused on a group of five kids trying to make sandcastles. There were three girls, one with curly black hair, one with straight blonde hair in a ponytail and one with honey brown hair. There were two boys, one of them seemed to be the brother of the last girl and the other one had sandy blonde hair with a hat over it. They seemed to be minding their own business and enjoyed whatever they were doing. They made a loud laughing noise every so often that gained weird looks from the parents.

A side from them, there were at least 10 other children playing. A young brunette girl walked right through the thing and towards the park. To the side there was a lone scrawny boy digging a hole in the sand. A bit farther from him, a pair of siblings threw sand at each other until their mother told them to stop.

"Can I play with you guys?" The brunette asked the five. The black haired one gave her a smile.


"Yay!" The brunette said. She sat down between two of the girls and tried to build a sandcastle of her own.

The thing watched them for a while and then looked at the boy digging a hole. He caught her watching him and smiled at her. She waved at him and looked back at the now six children. The boy was the only one she let see her at the moment, but she decided to fade so even he couldn't find her.

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