Chapter 19

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"Wapow!" Cory shouted and he put down a cake in the centre of our cafeteria table. We all looked at him with surprise.

"What's this?" Jules asked him. From the sound of her voice, it seemed like they wouldn't be fighting today. Thank goodness.

"It's a cake of course." He said and he seemed pleased.

"We can see that." Ty said.

"He made it himself last night." Charlie told us and we were all surprised. This cake was so perfect and artistic, I couldn't even begin to understand how this clumsy boy even had the skill to create really tiny patterns. It looked like it was ordered and store bought.

"Cory, you can bake?" Bryn asked, the question we all had.

"Of course I can! Only the weak can't bake." I pouted. Was I the weak? It was very unfair that he could bake. I could barely understand it.

"So why is there a cake?" Erik asked for us.

"To celebrate!" Cory exclaimed.

"Cory we don't have all day. Just tell us." Jules said.

"Alright. We are celebrating Bryn and Arie! They're finally friends." He declared.

"Really?" Jules asked with her eyes lighting up. How did Cory know?

"Congrats." Erik said.


"This is awesome." It was actually, but they were overreacting.

"Guys what's the big deal? Everyone becomes friends with someone new." I pointed out, but Cory shook his head.

"This isn't an everyday friendship. It took three weeks of you coming here and him ignoring you. Three weeks for a friendship to occur that wouldn't happen, and now it did! The best part, Bryn can start talking more now. He was only quiet before because of you." Cory said. It was kind of true. Bryn was talking more today, and didn't ignore me anymore. I was bit sad that I was the reason he was so silent. What did he have so against me?

"Bryn? Your thoughts?" I asked him. He looked at me and the Cory.

"Well, who would even reject free cake? We should all become best friends just for another one." He said and we laughed.

"Okay, Cor cut it." Charlie told him. Cory was all prepared. He brought out plates for us and had knives and forks. Even though it wasn't even the slightest bit healthy, he cut the whole thing into seven equally large pieces and put the plates in front of us.

"This is amazing!" Ty said after he took a bite. I followed him and couldn't agree more.

"Wow, Cory. When have you been baking, and why didn't you tell us?" I asked him. It was hard to believe that he could be hiding such a secret.

"Baking's been a hobby." He informed me. And then I realized that he never actually said it but there were always instances where he was doing just that, like when I talked to Charlie while they were at their grandparent's home and he was baking cookies. Have I not been noticing as much as I should be? I promised myself now, I must pay more attention from now on.

"I think you should keep this one, forever." Bryn said.

"It's quiet a good one." Erik added.

"I'm glad you all like it." Cory said

"Like it? We love it!" I told him. If I really did know he was so talented, I'd give him more credit in the past.

"You can thank me later Arie." He said.

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