Chapter 17

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I stood at the front door of the Conall home. Bryn texted me where he lived- much to my dismay (I was really looking forward to that phone call). This guy lived like a ten minute walk from me so I walked here with no problem, but dad insisted on picking me up. Bryn lived in the human side obviously, but where the houses were a little spread apart. As I finally got to his house I thought back to the countless times where I walked past here. He was so close. The unmistakable attachment I have to this house even though this is the first time I laid eyes on it with purpose was remarkable. How could I have failed to notice after all these years that this was where Bryn lived?

His house was huge. It was nothing like the normal family sized human homes I would pass on the way to school or the homes we had on our land. I guess this answers my question a while back about how he was living. I shouldn't have worried about his living conditions because wow did he live nicely- and I only saw the outside of the house. His house was two stories and but its large size came from how wide the house was. The top floor had to have at least ten rooms. The backyard was just as big. It was fenced pretty nicely but I could vaguely see an army of abandoned messy toys. His sibling really did have a ton of toys. Nothing looked over the top like some rich person house, it looked like a very 'homey' place to me, like what one would expect the pack houses to be. What did his parents even do for a living to be able to afford these so easily?

His parents.

I realized that this is my first meeting with them, my future parent-in-laws. This whole family will become my in-laws. That was why I was so nervous. I wanted them to like me. I wanted to be the girl they would all have expected for their oldest son. Everybody felt nervous when they met the parents of their significant other and even though mine wasn't mine yet, I still felt the fear. I felt a little too scared to ring the doorbell. What if it all went down? What if I messed up big time? I would be known as the weird girl their son had a project with. What if they all hated me in the end? I could never look them in the eye again. I don't even know if I can live with myself after making a terrible mistake. Suck it up Arabelle. You are tough. You can do this.

I rang the doorbell and waited. I could see the figure of someone approaching and hear their footsteps getting louder. After a few minutes, the door opened revealing the creators of the most wonderful thing in the world.

"Hello, you must be Arabelle." Mr. Conall said.

"My you are very lovely. Bryn! Why didn't you tell me how pretty your classmate is?" Mrs. Conall observed. I blushed a bit at that. She thought I was pretty! Hearing it was something I was used, heck I even knew that I am gorgeous and I'd flaunt it every day. Hearing it from my mate's mother was special though even if he hadn't told me what he thought of me yet himself.

"Hello. Mr. and Mrs. Conall. Thank-you, you are very pretty as well. I hope I'm not too late and haven't held you back." I told them, the nervousness in my voice was gone for some reason. They have a welcoming vibe to them that made me feel childish for being scared moments before. I would hug them both if it didn't seem inappropriate.

"Of course not. We were having a tough time getting the kids settled. We actually just got ready, so you are right on time." Bryn's dad explained. I noticed then that Bryn looked more like his mother, actually he could have been a masculine version of her aside from her size. I still wasn't sure how tall Bryn was, but his dad was very tall, while his mom looked surprising small beside him. The size didn't phase me though because to me the two fit like puzzle pieces. She was really gorgeous.

"We'd really like to thank-you for working on your project here with Bryn. It's thoughtful of you to also help out watching our kids. We know they aren't the easiest bunch." Bryan's mom added. She seemed to be a little worried for some reason.

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