Chapter 4

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The bright white light disappeared. I stood in a forest I never saw before.

"Where are you?" I called, but I was all alone. A girl appeared instead. She walked right through me but didn't seem to notice. I decided to follow her, since there was nothing else to do. We walked down a narrow path and I glanced at the scenery. The forest was too glamorous to be real. I looked back at the girl. She was a few years older than me, but she seemed like she had decades more on me. For some reason, I knew she is a shifter too. But she wasn't normal for a shifter either. She continued walking until she reached a stone wall. She climbed it and I followed her steps slowly. Once I reached the top, I realized that this is the outer wall of a castle. The girl jumped swiftly onto the ground. I jumped after her, yet not so swiftly. She walked up to a human woman with wild hair by a pond. The woman was sobbing and knelt on the ground.

The girl came up to her side. "Why are you crying?"

"My-my son." The woman sobbed.

"What about him?" The girl put her hand on the woman's shoulder.

"It's just, the king's prized fortunest, her predictions are always true." The girl nodded, as if the fact that there was someone who could tell the future was normal to her.

"Go on."

"She fore told that a boy generations down my blood line will bring hope to those like my sister and her husband. He'll bring them respect and he'll teach shifters something more. He'll change everything." The woman said with a bit of pride in her voice. But the pride disappeared as she went on. "The king, that fowl beast. He doesn't want that to happen. He wants those couples to be a disgrace. He already killed my sister and her husband. Tomorrow he will take away my son and me."

The girl watched the woman for a moment. It was like I was reading her mind. She was debating whether or not she should help the woman.

"Listen." The girl said hastily. "You must grab your son and come out here. I will help you escape. You both will stay alive." The woman was grateful. She said that she would be back in a moment. The girl walked around and found stables. Why a shifter king would have horses, I had no idea. She pulled out two horses and brought them to one of the walls. She pushed a brick in the wall, and a door opened into the forest. The woman ran back gasping. She held a bundle in her arms, her infant son.

"I will lead you out of this land. I'll bring you to King Roy's court. He will provide a job for you to do and the castle will provide protection. But he doesn't know about shifters. You must swear to never tell another soul about us." The girl said.

"I do. I swear. I do not know how I can ever repay you. Is there anything I can do?" The woman said with tears.

"There is one thing. Let me hold your son on the ride." The woman looked at the girl as if she were crazy. "He'll be safe." The girl said.

"What is your name? Who are you?" The woman asked her.

"Annalese. And who I am isn't important. We must leave if you do not want to be caught." The woman hands her son to Annalese.

"My son, Biron means the world to me. Thank-you again." The woman mounts one horse and Annalese mounts the other. The two start riding the horse away at a fast speed. I don't know how, but I am still beside the girl.

She looked down at the sleeping boy and millions of thoughts ran passed her mind. She knew the woman was saying the truth. She could sense the power from the boy, but she knew this was not the one she was looking for. She looked into the boy's future, through the generations to come. Biron's great grandson would the one she'd been searching for. She could sense even now the power that would be radiating from the boy and the strength he would have. It was then she choose and sealed the fate of the child that wouldn't be born for a century. She looked at the Biron's mother. The future can wait for now. She needed to bring these two to safety.

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