Chapter 10

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It was growling and we had no clue what it was. Some of the naked guys were whimpering and I swear someone was wrapped around my leg.

"Alright guys, stay calm. We just have to see what it is." I said. I had to take charge because dad was busy helping the (naked) injured guy who broke something when everyone shifted together and someone accidentally stabbed him to the side.

"Uhh. Arie, I d-don't think- it will l-let you see it." A girl, Jill said.

"I have to. It's my job." I told her. I tried walking towards the thing, it was scary I had to admit that but my nervous needed to go. "Will you please let go?" I asked the guy wrapped around my leg, I didn't want to look at him, or any of them. He must have been a little reluctant to let go but after a very long time he did. I approached the thing very slowly and tried not to startle it. Really the last thing we needed was it to move and attack us all. It seemed to be much bigger as I got closer to it. It was breathing very loud and heavy, I could almost feel the warmth brushing against my own form. Its body was slowly moving up and down and dozens of tiny hands clawed at the ground. Wait-

"Somebody toss me your phone!" I called and about 15 were thrown at me. I caught them all and settled everything except for one on the ground. I turned on its flashlight and shone it on the thing.

"Noooo!" The thing squirmed and fell back. It wasn't a monster, rather the early teens and younger children holding up a giant head of something they created to scare us. I didn't even want to know how they got the air coming, it was petty realistic.

"Hey, all of you come out right now." I said. I was pretty impressed even if I had to hide it. They all mumbled and heads slowly popped out. Theo, Brady and Julian were amongst the group of smaller children who did a bad job of hiding. At least they were alright, all of them.

"What were you guys doing?" I asked them.

"We were bored so we thought we would do a little prank." Someone said.

"Well you know what, it worked. Good job, you win. But it was dangerous and you should know better than to do something close to these events. Don't do it again, now go back. . . Hey don't make me repeat that." They all scattered and I turned back to face my pack mates. Dad had already got the boys to shift back, thankfully. Some older people moved away the giant monster thing while the others tended to the boys' wounds. They would live, all their injuries were minor. We shifters healed very quickly, especially in our wolf forms so pretty much all of them would be up and running for our next events.

"Alright everyone take a five minute game and we will meet again at the turf to move on." Dad told us. I handed everyone back their phones and picked up a couple abandoned water bottles on the ground.

"That was something." Jules said as she came beside me.

"Which part?" I asked her and handed her some of the bottles so I could pick up some more.

"Both, the younger kids were kind of out there, but what they did was totally what we would do too. And the guys... Most of them went down quicker than I ever saw before. What was that, a record? We didn't even get to see who would win, that big one or Liam."

"Yeah! Hey, did you manage to see who the big one was?" I asked her. I was a bit curious. Terry was the tallest of the guys and here was someone even bigger than him.

"No. I was too caught up with that thing that was about to attack us to watch."

"Me too. I really do wonder, anyways here we are." We stopped at the outside of the turf and we were obviously the first ones here. This part is an obstacle course where the spectators couldn't actually watch most of it because it went into the woods. Usually an older wolf would shift and run along the sides while someone goes through it. It measured individual strength, speed and reactivity. Some people just sped the whole thing through but a lot of them liked adding little tricks here and there.

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