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Even if the hunger stopped working though, I doubt I would turn to something like drugs. It was a long standing promise between myself and... It was a very important promise.

I rinsed off my pocket knife and set it off to the side. I stood for a while, watching as the four open wounds on both arms bled. The one closest to my elbow on my left arm was a bit deeper than normal, and the blood ran a bit thicker down my arm.

I stripped my jeans and briefs before turning the shower on to the hottest setting and stepping in. The water stung my open skin and I flinched. I held out my arms and let the water wash away the blood, all the while relishing the pain. Once my arms were rinsed, though hadn't exactly stopped bleeding, I washed my hair and body, the soap stinging my arms, but pausing the bleeding.

I stopped the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked out to my room and dropped my towel on the back of my computer chair before falling face-first onto my bed. School had let out three hours ago, but I had had practice. My muscles were killing me.

I rolled over so I was laying on my back, and stared up at the ceiling. It was white, but with my curtains open and the evening light peeking in, it seemed to be a soft tanish-gold. I closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep. One that was, thankfully, dreamless.


I woke to a tapping noise. I slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, but flinching when my arms stung. I looked down and realized I had fallen asleep without cleaning or wrapping them. There was another tap, and I looked to my window, wondering if it was a bug. When a small pebble connected with my window again, though, I sighed. I stood up from the bed and walked over, opening it and looking out. I had popped the screen out a long time ago. It was easier to sneak out this way.

Down below stood a familiar head of unruly blond hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he searched for another pebble. He looked up and he threw up his arms.

"Finally! I've been calling you for ten minutes!" He said, clearly annoyed.

"Why?" I asked as I leaned on the windowsill. He looked very annoyed now.

"Because, I'm not having you repeat another year of school. So, come unlock the door so we can get started on tutoring." I looked back at my bedside table, where my phone was blinking signaling missed calls, and I saw the time.

"Dude, it's eight o'clock," I groaned, "Go home." He crossed his arms.

"No." I stared down at him for only a moment before shutting my window.

"Alfred!" I heard him shout, but I ignored it. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt, and pulled them both on before going downstairs, ignoring the angry buzzing of my cellphone.

When I opened the door, Arthur was still looking up angrily at my window.

"Dude," I drew his attention, "It's unlocked." He stared for a moment before his face went red and he stormed inside.

"Bloody hell you think you're doing," I heard him mutter, "Leaving the door unlocked... Could've broken in..." I rolled my eyes. He let himself into my living room, and I headed to the kitchen for a Coke. When I came back, he had his laptop out, and my backpack's insides were spilled all over the coffee table.

"Help yourself," I said sarcastically as I sat next to him and reached for the remote.

"No," He said as he snatched it from my reach. "You're studying." I groaned and leaned back on the couch.

"Dude. There is literally nothing to study for. The next test I have is two weeks away." He looked up at me and glared.

"And I doubt you'll study for that then either." He turned the computer to me, showing my grades.

"Hey! How did you-"

"Your password isn't that hard, Hero69," He cut me off. I stuck out my tongue and looked at my screen.

"I don't see what's bad about them," I took a sip of my soda, "They're all passing." He looked at me exasperated.

"Yeah," He agreed, "They're passing. They'll pass you for High School and then drop you on your ass." He pulled out a notebook, "You've barely taken any notes for your classes, and your homework grades are, quite frankly, shit." I sighed and sat up. He wasn't going to let me off easy.

"So, starting today, I am going to tutor you, every day, for the next two weeks." I stared at him blankly for a few moments and then sighed.

"I'm way too tired for this." I set my soda down, "Alright. Since you're obviously not leaving until I agree, I'm going to go get snacks." I stood up. He smiled triumphantly and began grabbing certain papers.

I turned swiftly as my cheeks lit up, and sped walked to the kitchen.

"You can't like him," I whispered on a breath, "He's your best friend. Stop." As if it was so easy to stop. If it was, I'd have chosen to stop a long, long time ago.


"Alfred! Wake up!" I jumped awake at the sound of an impatient, shrill voice. I quickly recognized that I was in the living room, and my mother was standing over me. She was home.

"H-Hi Mom," I greeted as I stood up. She stood up straighter and looked me over a few times before glancing at the clock on the mantelpiece.

"It's late. I have work, have you seen a photo lying around?" She glanced around the messy coffee table, littered with my homework.

Was she talking about the picture of her and Matthew? Was she really not going to hide the fact she tore me out?

"What picture?" I asked, glancing to see Arthur was still asleep. We had fallen asleep on the couch.

"A picture of me and your brother," She said bluntly. She wouldn't even say his name. I crossed my arms and clutched at the skin on the underside.

"Um, I think there was one in the kitchen. On the bookshelf." She gave me a look of annoyance as she went to the kitchen, me following slowly behind.

She saw it quickly and groaned as she bent down to pick it up from where it sat on the bottom shelf, "You couldn't grab it? Honestly, keep this house clean, Alfred." I nodded.

She stuffed the photo into her purse and stood up, "I'm going to be gone for the next three months. Job across the states." I felt my eyes widen.

"But, Mom. In one month-" She didn't let me finish.

"You can take care of yourself, right? There's money in the account." She began walking towards the front.

"Yeah," My voice fell as she opened the door, "Love ya!" I called as she left.

She shut the door.

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