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"Do we have everything yet?" I whined as we walked around the large grocery store. Well, Arthur walked, I rode in the cart.

"Does it look like we have everything," He rolled his eyes, "Honestly, this is your food. You're telling me where to go."

"Well, then let's get ice cream!" I said excitedly, and he sighed before turning the cart around and heading to the frozen isle's.

When we were done, the cart was full (I had to get out and he made me push the cart) and my total came to well over two hundred dollars.

I quickly swiped my card and signed before we gathered everything back in the cart and headed out to the parking lot.

"Well, it's now lunch time," Arthur said, looking at his watch, "Should we stop somewhere, or do we go home to cook?"

I stopped walking in the middle of the parking lot, and he looked at me. A smile worked it's way across my face and I looked down at the ground in an attempt to hide it.

"Al?" He questioned worriedly and rushed over.

"No," I shook my head, "It's nothing." I looked up and kissed him quickly, "Let's get home."


At home, we put everything away, ate a simple lunch (macaroni, that I refused to let him help cook), and then we migrated to the living room, where he laid himself across my lap nad typed away on my laptop while I played Tomb Raider on the Xbox1.

"Pause your game," He commanded suddenly, sitting up in my lap. I did as he asked and wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Take a look," He turned the computer for me to see.

"Again, how did you get into my school account?" I quirked my eyebrow.

"Again, your password's too easy, 69Hero," He rolled his eyes, "Honestly, you just flipped it around? Really?"

I huffed, "What was it you wanted me to see?"

"Look at the screen," He motioned to the machine in his lap. I obliged and looked over what he had pulled up.

"Are those mine?"

"No, they're the Queen of England's," He retorted sarcastically.

"Damn, she's smart." He hit me upside the head.

"They raised pretty fast," I finally remarked. All of my grades had raised from D's or failing to solid A's. Every last one.

"You're an idiot," Arthur sighed.

"I don't know man, my grades look pretty good to me."

He sighed, "Why do I even try?"

I smirked and placed a kiss to the back of his neck. He shivered and I pulled his back flush against my chest.

"I can think of a good reason," I mumbled against his warm skin.

He set the laptop to the side and turned so he was facing me and straddling my lap.

"Do I get a reward?" I asked as I continued to nuzzle his neck.

He placed his arms around my shoulders, and leaned closer to me.

"You'll get to go to college."

I sighed as he burst into laughter and flopped back to lay across the couch.

"You're not funny," I groaned.

"I think I'm hilarious," He chuckled as he looked across the couch at me.

I reached my hand out and he took it, letting our fingers intertwine and rest on his stomach. I looked at his eyes to see him staring back at me.

"Thank you, Iggy."

"For what?" He cocked his head, his golden hair falling past his face and framing his eyes.

Yeah, for what? For everything. For always being my friend. For always staying by my side. For always being honest. For loving me. For everything.

He seemed to understand, even though I said nothing, and pulled me down so I laid atop him, my head laying on his chest.

"Of course, Love," He said as he used his free hand to pet my hair. I closed my eyes, tightening my grip on his hand as I began to slowly drift off to sleep.


'I'm bored.'


'Entertain me'

This had become a daily occurrence in my life. Ever day, during my seventh period, myself, Arthur, and Francis could be seen passing notes between ourselves. We never got called out on it, though.


'Pay attention'

I stuck my tongue out at Arthur.

'Make me'

Something gripped my thigh and I jumped, smacking my knees on the underside of the desk, and causing everyone to look at me.

"H-Hiccups," I said as a lame excuse. They all turned their attention back to the teacher, and I shot a glare to Arthur who was smirking. When I turned to Francis, he was smirking as well.

"Assholes," I muttered, and they both were holding back laughter. I scowled.

'Are you entertained now?'

We all three burst into laughter.


"Y-Yeah, Mom," I stood outside the school, waiting for Arthur.

"Honestly," Her voice came from he other end, obviously exasperated, "You are so incompetent." I bit my lip against anything I wanted to say.

"Just, try not to screw up again," She said before hanging up the phone.

I kept it up to my ear for a moment, before pulling it away and staring at the 'end call' screen. Why- Why did she have to-?

I let out a deep sigh as I stuffed my phone into my pocket and hiked my bag up onto my shoulder. Sorry, Arthur, but I'd rather not wait today.

The walk home was quick, and when I got inside I chucked my bag at the couch before going upstairs. I stripped off my shirt so I could shower, and my phone began buzzing in my pocket.

I pulled it out and saw it was Arthur. I sent him to voicemail. I finished undressing and went quickly to the shower. I certainly wasn't as quick taking it though.

And when I came out, in only a towel, I found my phone blinking rapidly with missed calls.

"Calm down, Artie," I mumbled as I checked them over. fifteen missed calls in the span of an hour. Not too bad. I shut off my phone and set it on my table as I dressed in jeans, wrapped my arms in fresh bandages, and went downstairs.

I was sat at my kitchen table, eating a quick meal (leftover burgers) and playing my DS when my front door opened rather loudly, making me jump. Who the- Oh. It must be Ar-

"Alfred!" Yup.

"I'm in the dining room," I called.

I heard him enter the room, and I looked up just in time to see pain cross his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after a moment.

I looked back down at my game, guiltily. What was wrong with me?

He dropped his bag on the table and came over to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed the top of my ear.

"Let's watch a movie, Love," He whispered, and I complied, leaving my game, and untouched burger behind.



I worked through the burn, because I wanted to give y'all this chapter. I really hope you enjoy.

~Au revior

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