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I don't think I'll ever understand exactly. What had I planned to do that day? I don't think I wanted to go to Matthew. I'm not sure. I know I wanted to see him. It had been so long since I had seen him. Maybe, I hadn't done it in the best way, but that was the best I had felt in a long while. I just wanted to be close to him again.

I understand that it was a bad thing to do. I scared Arthur, and I felt bad about that. I really did. Maybe, I should have told him my plan. Taken him with. Things definitely would have turned out better if I had. But, then again, maybe it was best I had gone alone. I had almost done it that time.

I had almost scaled the atmosphere. I had almost been able to reach Matthew. I had almost been able to hug him again. To laugh and talk with him. To play with him. To hold him. I was so close to holding my baby brother one




Arthur took me home with the help of Francis. Francis stayed late and made food for me, but Arthur stayed the night to take care of me. He made mostly soups, but some other things as well. He left soon after he was finished however.

It was a strange night. Perhaps awkward was the better word. Well, apparently only awkward for me. Arthur had helped me into the bath to warm up, and after I was dressed in at least a t-shirt and boxers, he cleaned and wrapped my arms and legs. He helped me to my bed, and pulled the covers over me.

"I'm going to go and heat up some soup. Okay, Love?" I had only seen him like this when he took care of his younger Cousin or Matthew. I felt so weak and pathetic, it was funny.

That was the second worst night of my life.

And it only got worse from there.

For the next two weeks, it was Hell. He always came to my house after school, sometimes bringing Francis along, but most of the time it was just him. He was keeping a watch over me, that was obvious. And it was totally embarrassing. He was always around, and if I ever wanted to leave, he either tagged along, or made sure I made it to my destination by calling me when I arrived.

When he finally left me alone, it was because it was Halloween. I didn't decorate this year, which surprised pretty much the entire school and my neighborhood. Every year, I always made sure that my house was the scariest place you'd ever seen! I always decked it out until it was completely awesome and terrifying. But, this year I didn't have the energy to do so.

Halloween was on a Saturday, and he had to stay home to prepare. He said he would be over to check on me after he took his Cousin trick-or-treating, and I went along with it. I wouldn't be doing that much that night anyway.

Honestly, ever since I had been on that beach, I was tired. I was just utterly exhausted. I had dropped my position on the Football team, and I was barely making my classes. Sometimes people would approach me, asking if I needed tutoring, or a teacher would ask if things were alright, but I always managed to talk my way out. I'm not sure what happened that day on the beach that finally broke me, but I was positive in the fact it had. It had finally, completely broken me.

And what's worse, I couldn't be fixed.

And God, did I want to be fixed.


Arthur left on Friday night, so I had all of Saturday to myself; well, until he came over that night that is. I spent most of the day laid up in bed, but in fear that Arthur would find me I pulled myself from the bed and showered. I dressed only in a pair of sweatpants, and considering I was spending the day alone, I didn't re-wrap my arms and legs and let them air out out for the day. It was around one when I dragged myself downstairs,

I closed the curtains and turned off the lights as I set up my video player for the five movies. I selected the first disc, and grabbed all of the pillows and blankets into a nest onto the couch as I settled in for a long marathon

It was around seven hours later when the last movie finished, and I was officially regretting my decision.

"Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! That was insane!" I yelled. It was only eight thirty, but it was dark in my living room, and I knew that Toby was in my house.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm going to be killed." I pulled the blankets over my head, "I promise I didn't do anything, I don't even have a sister or anything, please Toby don't kill me! No, wait! I'm the first born son! No Toby I don't wanna be a sacrifice leave me alone I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to- Ah!" The doorbell rung.

"I'm not here!" I shouted as I burrowed deeper into my pillows and blankets.

"It's me!" Arthur yelled through the door.

"I'm not moving!" I yelled in reply.

"Just open the door, Alfred!" He groaned through the door, "I have Peter with me!"

"No! If I come out, Toby's totally gonna grab me! I'm the first born!" It was silent for a few moments.

"Have you been watching horror movies?"

".... Maybe."

"Alfred! Open the door!"


I heard his footsteps leave the porch, and soon they were out of range of my hearing. I stayed huddled, andshaking, inside the fort, until I heard a door somewhere in the house creak open and footsteps come inside.

'Oh my gosh,' I thought to myself, 'It's going to get me.'

"Alfred," A pair of hands dug through the blankets.

"Ah!" I jumped out of the fort and ran across the room. "No, go away, go away, go away!"

He sighed, "It's just us, Alfred," I peeked my eyes open to see Arthur standing with his arms crossed and Peter standing beside him laughing. I stood up with red cheeks.

"Ah-I knew that." I murmured while looking away.

"Yup, sure you did," He walked into the kitchen, "Well, I hope you don't mind us stopping by early, but it's sprinkling out and I figured we could just rest here 'til it was over. Do you mind?" I followed him into the kitchen.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll go get you towels," I saw he was digging through the fridge. I walked over to Peter, who was dumping hsi candy out on the table, and knelt down to whisper, "Make sure he doesn't start a fire?" He nodded.

"Roger!" I smiled slightly and then went to get towels for the both of them. When I returned there was the faint smell of smoke in the kitchen, but nothing was on fire, so I ignored it. But, I did make mental note of where the fire extinguisher was. I dropped Arthur's towel on the kitchen table, and handed a towel to Peter.

"It's a good thing you left your porch door open," Arthur mused as he looked outside, "It's pouring."

"Yeah, but wasn't the gate locked?" I asked.

"We jumped it." I nodded and sat down across from Peter, who was staring at me.

"Wassup, little dude?" I asked.

He pointed at my arms and I looked down. I never wrapped them.

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