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"3rd floor, room 341."

"Isn't that-"

"Arthur hush," Arthur's mom silenced him before looking at the woman behind the counter and thanking her.

Joanna, Arthur's mother, picked Peter up (poor kid was practically falling asleep on his feet) and carried him throughout the hospital. I followed behind with Arthur and Francis, both Francis and I, keeping a close eye on Arthur. It was his Aunt in the hospital.

When I woke up this morning, a panicked phone call from Arthur's mother at two in the morning was not how I thought Christmas Eve would start.

I was quick to get dressed, along with Arthur, and we simply brought Peter as he was in his PJ's to the hospital, where we met Joanna. She was obviously worried, but she said nothing when we met up with her, and we all went inside.

Joanna had told Arthur on the phone. Early this morning, Taika had had a series of seizures one after the next. They called Joanna, and she immediately called us.

We all remained silent as we followed Joanna towards ICU. Peter was still young, and he didn't quite understand what was happening. He had already lost his Dad, and I prayed that he wouldn't lose his Mom as well. Taika was a wonderful person, and I hoped she would get better. The way things were going however, it didn't seem that would happen anytime soon.

Once we were in ICU, we were directed to Taika's room.

Joanna knocked a few times, but no one replied. She slowly opened the door, and looked in.

She nodded for all of us to follow, and we did. She walked over and sat in a chair, slowly shaking Peter awake. He had fallen asleep in the short trip through the hospital.

When he woke up enough, and saw his Mom in the bed, he smiled.

"Mom!" He didn't technically shout, but Joanna warned him to keep his voice down. He repeated it again but softer.

Taika, who up until then had been resting silently, woke up. Her eyes lazily drew open, and she drew a large breath, the sound amplified by the oxygen mask she was wearing.

"Peter," She smiled at him, barely visible by the fog her breath left in the plastic. She slowly moved her hand to a white controller and the bed began to shift with a gentle push of a button. Once she was sitting upright she, just as slowly, reached up and pulled her oxygen mask off.


"I'm fine, Jo," She smiled at Arthur's mom, and then patted the bed mattress. "Peter, come sit by me."

The small boy climbed off of Joanna's lap and happily got into bed with his mother, ignoring the offer to sit, and instead laying by her side (With the help of Joanna so he wasn't laying on any tubes or wires).

"How are you doing, Peter? Are you having fun at your Aunt's?"

"Yeah," He said slowly, "When can we go home?"

Arthur shifted uncomfortably from beside Taika's bedside. I wished I could go and comfort him, but Francis and I had decided to sit back and let them speak.

"I don't know," Taika told him. She directed her attention then, suddenly, to me. "It's good to see you again, Alfred."

"Y-You too," I stood and smiled. She returned it with a nod.

"Hope you're taking good care of Arthur here. I know how much trouble he gets into." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"It's a tough job," I nodded in agreement. She then turned her gaze to Francis.

"You, too. You have the even more difficult task of keeping both of them in line." He looked startled at her acknowledgement and she let out a laugh much to weak, "Peter can't keep a secret. He loves to tell me everything. You are Francis, correct?"

He nodded, "Oui, Madame." How adorable, he was so flustered he slipped back into French.

"Can you two do me a favor?" She asked. I nodded and assumed Francis did as well. "Peter, the kitchen's always open and I'd love to try some ice cream. Why don't you go and get some snacks for us all," She kissed his head and he nodded before climbing carefully from her bed.

"Here, I can pay," I offered. Peter walked over to me and I lead him out the door, and followed after, closing it behind him.

I took his hand as we walked, and held Peters as well. He stayed uncharacteristically silently through the walk to the kitchen, answering anything I said with a nod or hum. When we got to the kitchen, he continued answering this way when I asked about treats. Until I came to his mom.

"What kind of ice cream do you think your mother would want? They have chocolate and vanilla."

"She likes coffee flavored."

I glanced down at him before sharing a glance with Francis. I let his hand go and knelt down next to Peter.

"I think that we should wait on the coffee ice cream," I told him. "When she gets out of the hospital, we should hold a small party. We can all get together to welcome her home, and make her favorite foods. How does that sound?"

He looked to me with bright eyes.


I nodded.


He hugged me, his arms around my neck in a tight lock as he sniffled into my shirt.

"Thank you, Alfred."

I returned his hug, but not his sentiments.

After around five minutes, Francis received a text from Arthur and we gathered ice cream, unsure which flavor to get for Taika, we got both for her.

When we came back to the room, Arthur was waiting by the door, and after Peter had settled down he grabbed my hand, looked at Francis pleadingly, and dragged me out of the room with Francis following understandingly, closing the door behind himself.

The instant the door clicked shut, he burst into tears and buried his head in my shoulder.

"Whoa, Artie what's the matter?" I was caught off guard, but instinctively wrapped my arms around him, keeping him held against me. Francis also acted fast and walked over, placing a hand on his back while the other rested on his hip.

"Arthur, what's wrong?"

He wouldn't answer, mostly he couldn't past his sobs, and just cried into our arms.

"Arthur," I rested my head on his, "what's happening?" I kept my voice at a whisper, trying to calm him. The tears definitely came from his fathers side of the family, him and Peter cried very similarly. 

"Taika," He whispered through tears. "Taika won't make it...."

"She won't live past Past Peters next birthday."




I'm back...? Well, I'm back, but I feel bad that it's with such a sad chapter.

Trying to finish this so I can feel better (I feel guilty that I am updating so slowly) and can move onto new projects.

So, glad to be back once more, and I hope to get this book going and finished!

~Au revior

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