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"Ah... Ahem," We broke away from the kiss as someone cleared their throat, and I was struck with the realization that we were not alone.

I looked up, unwillingly, from Arthur's green eyes, and was surprised, though I really shouldn't have been, to see Francis standing only two feet away. He seemed relieved and worried, not to mention nervous, all at the same time.

"Oh, bloody-" Arthur hid his face, which was burning bright red.

"Ah, don't worry, Arthur," Francis winked at me, "I'll take my leave now," He walked past us happily, but placed a hand on my shoulder. He let it linger for a second before removing it and continuing down the hall. "Be safe~" He called before the front door shut.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Arthur raised his eyes to my own, his face dark with embarrassment.

"What now?"

Good question.


We went to school the following Monday, and the atmosphere shifted the moment we stepped through the front doors.

Everyone quickly noticed us as we walked in together, nothing unusual as I normally gave him a ride, but we weren't normally holding hands either. In all honesty, it took about a minuted for everyone to process what was happening and the news to spread to the entirety of the school. In the minute following that, our phones blew up with messages full of questions and congratulations. Arthur shut his off in embarrassment.

"Come on," Me muttered before forcefully pulling me after him in the halls.

"Whoa, where are we going?" I asked as I righted myself and walked beside him.

"The Student Council room," He said and then lowered his voice, "Can't stand all these stares."

I stopped walking, effectively pulling the embarrassed Brit to a halt. 

"What are-" He stopped as I leaned down, brushing my fingers over his cheek before capturing his lips with my own.

He complied quickly and kissed back, causing me to smirk. It wasn't anything heated. Just simple and lingering, enough to calm him down. And then, someone broke the moment.

"PDA! Prez, you should know better! Do I need to write you up?"

We pulled apart, and Michelle and Francis stood there watching us. Michelle had been the one to speak and she was smiling cheekily while waving a finger. Francis held an amused expression, but turned away as I met his gaze, and looked sadly at Arthur, who looked away in turn.

"This gits the one who started it," Arthur jerked his thumb at me.

"Real mature, Artie," I rolled my eyes.

" You know what?" He spun and pushed on my back, "I changed my mind; go to class."

"Aw, Artie," I whined, amusing anyone who happened to be in that particular hallway (Which seemed to be more people than usual).

"Don't Artie me, go to class." He argued. I sighed, but obeyed.

"Fine. I'll see ya later," I said as I walked off down the hall, smirking when I heard his exasperated 'Finally' coming from behind me. I would leave my phone on vibrate in class.

Speaking of, it was first hour which was History; which meant-


God dammit. 

It's not like I didn't like him, Francis was pretty awesome, and he had been nice in the past weeks, but I still felt odd around him. I'm not sure how to explain the feeling.

"Hey," I greeted as he caught up, "Arthur letting you off the hook this morning?" The student Council was made up of Arthur, Michelle, Francis, and two office runners named Elizabeth and James.

"Yes, apparently he wants the Council room to himself this morning, he sent everyone off to class." 

I nodded in understanding.

"Was he pissy?" I asked. I may have made him mad.

"No," Francis answered, walking next to me, "Rather, he seemed happy."

A smirk crossed my lips.

"Damn right he was."

Francis chuckled.

"What?" I looked over to the Frenchman.

"Non," He waved a hand, "It's nothing."

"Aww, come on," I whined, "Tell me!"

"Non," He teased.



I stopped walking and grabbed his sleeve and began tugging.

"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please-" He placed a hand over my mouth.

"I was going to say," He finally caved in, "That you look cute when you're happy."


'You look cute when you're happy.'

I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. What the hell had he meant? I mean, I know what he meant, but why did he say it?

"Alfred!" I jumped, "Are you paying attention?" Arthur glared at him from across the table.

"Er, yeah..." I said unconvincingly.

"Convincing," He rolled his eyes, "Now hurry up. You still have homework to finish before-"

"Before our date?" I winked, and he blushed before scowling.

"Not if you don't do your homework."

I finished within a half hour.

When Arthur took my papers to look over, he looked surprised.

"Al," He paused, "You got it all right." I blinked in surprise.

"Really? Cause I was sure I messed up number nine on the math." 

He looked from the paper, to me, and then back again.

"What was question nine?" He asked me.

I thought for a moment, " An obtuse triangle with one leg with log3 82/9, miles and leg with square root of negative 64 miles," I paused, "Oh, and an angle of 93 degrees."

"Okay," Arthur put the papers down, "Why the hell are none of your grades never above a 'B'?"

"I don't need a second mom," I groaned and dropped my head to the table.

"Well-" He cut himself off. He remained quiet for a few moments, and then his chair pushed back from my kitchen table. Oh shit, what did I do?

I listened as he walked around the table and tensed as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Alfred," I sighed before sitting up.

"Yeah-" He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Good job."





Heh, it's good to be back, and to commemorate my return, I thought I would give y'all a little cuteness. I know it's short, but, CUTENESS!

Okay, so I'm excited to be back. Sorry for three months of no updates. I'd tell y'all I'll try to get in a schedule, but, eh, I can't make that promise. I'll probs get a chapter up once every week or two. (No more 3 months hiatus) If I get them up sooner, then I promise I'll try and do that.

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this little thing.

Oh, and before y'all ask, That little math problem is basic Algebra 3.Trigonometry, which I had last sememster (And passed with a B+), so yeah, that could have been a problem that came up> however, I'm too lazy to actually solve it, so there.

~Au revior

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