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The next two weeks of my life are Hell, and I can tell Arthur is noticing. Everyone is noticing, but no one says anything. They let me live through the days, but don't interfere. Why should they?

It's not like they were planning they're dead brothers memorial.



Well, not everyone understood what was going on.

"Yo," I said, not looking up from the planner in front of me.

The chair beside me pulled out, and he sat quietly beside me; we were in a free period for Math, but we had to remain quiet.

"Are you alright, mon ami?" He whispered. When I didn't look up he placed a hand on the book, breaking my already fragile concentration.

I looked up at him, locking are sky blue and sapphire eyes. He sucked in a breath, and his face turned worried.

"Alfred, what's wrong?" He asked me, watching my eyes for a hint of.... anything. "Arthur won't say anything either," He paused and gnawed his lip in worry, "has something happened?" His voice sounded regretful.

I offered a smile.

"Nah, dude," I said, grabbing his hand and moving it from my book, "I've just-" I thought over my words, "I've got a lot going on."

I let go of his hand, but he continued to hold mine. I couldn't bring myself to pull away. We were locked there, and after a while, I heard someone giggle. I turned my gaze away to see a group of three girls from the class staring at us and whispering.

My cheeks heated up, and I yanked my hand away while jumping to my feet.

"Miss, I gotta piss!" I said loud enough for the teacher to hear at the front of the room. And, since I was in the back, everyone heard.

The class was in an uproar of laughter as the teacher glared at me and then rolled her eyes and waved me out of the room. I left hurriedly, leaving everything behind.


"Excuse me," I poked my head into the Home Ec room, "But, Arthur Kirkland is needed in the Student Council room." Everyone was looking at me, but now they switched their gaze to Arthur, who was watching me with confusion.

"Of course," The Home Ec teacher, I couldn't remember his name, motioned to Arthur to gather his stuff. He did so, and followed me from the room.

"What's happening in the Council office?" He asked as I lead him through the halls, "And why did they send you?" I reached back and grabbed his hand tightly, but said nothing. He understood perfectly after that. He lead the rest of the way to the Council room, and once we were in and the doors were closed, he dropped his stuff, which spilled all over the floor, and wrapped me in his arms, allowing me to bury my face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I clung onto his shirt. "I'm s-so sorry." I shouldn't be like this at school. I couldn't just take Arthur out of class like that, but I needed him. Him, or...

"It's alright, Love," Arthur whispered, "It's okay."

But, it wasn't.

I ended up crying for the remainder of the hour, letting Arthur hold me in the dark. Wehad ended up sitting on the floor, myself cuddled up to Arthur, who was leaning against the wall.

When the bell rang for the hour to end, I tried sitting up, but Arthur held me in place.

"You need a break," He said in way of explanation, "It's alright every now and then." I nodded and let him continue to hold me.

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