The Cuff

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Chapter 44


Archer finally got to the cave while holding a bottle of squid ink. Now we just needed Pan's shadow and the cuff.

And that's where I come in. Although Bae is against it, I have to sneak into Pan's hut and snatch the cuff. This was either going to go smoothly, or totally backfire.

"Please be careful," Bae pleaded as he held my hands. "I can't lose you."

"I will. I promise." I gave his hands a gentle squeeze.

"Wait a second," Archer's voice emerged, "did I miss something?" He asked both of us, eyeing our linked hands. "Are you two together?"

I could feel my cheeks going red. I looked up at Baelfire who grinned.

"I'd take that as a yes. Man, where have I been livin.. Under a rock?" Archer asked, not really expecting an answer.

"That explains so much," Bae said sarcastically.

I chuckled, "sorry for not telling you Archer, it just kind of happened."

Archer eyed me and Bae, "well even though Baelfire is my best friend, I'll kick his ass if he hurts you."

I let out a laugh, "thank you Archer, but I don't think that will be necessary." I looked up at Baelfire, "I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself." I winked at Bae, smiling as I did so.

He rolled his eyes, "what is this? Pick on Bae day? Let's just get this over with."


When I got to Pan's hut, no one was around so I sneaked in. The door was creaky and annoyingly loud. If Pan was here, he definitely heard me come in.

I glance around the room, not knowing where to start my search. But I decided to start on the dresser. I opened it up but nothing was there of value. I looked on his nightstand—nothing. I searched the bathroom—nothing. I even searched under and on the bed! Still nothing.

I clicked my tongue, trying to figure out where it could be. Then I saw it, in plain sight. It was on the floor next to the dresser. It must've fell off.

"What are you doing in here?" A British voice asked.

I swore under my breath, quickly stuffing the cuff inside my pocket. I turned around, plastering a fake smile on my face. "Peter, I uh.."

He raised his eyebrow.

"I uh, wanted to see you." That's all I could think of. I didn't know what to say. I should've planned this out better. "I wanted to thank you for saving me."

'That was good! Good excuse. It's a lot better than 'oh I'm here to steal your magical cuff so me and the others and escape Neverland.'

Pan shrugged and walked past me.

"Why do it?" I asked, daring to overstep my boundaries.

Pan stopped and turned on his heel, "why save you? Or why bring you here in the first place? I'm sure we both know the answer to that."

"It's just that it doesn't make much sense to me—Your attitude that is." I paused as Pan raise his eyebrow. "Sometimes you're kind to me, but then other times you're distant."

Pan sighed, "I don't need to poor my heart out to you."

"Funny, 'cause I didn't even know you had one." I said, getting a little irritated. "You haven't done anything wrong yet. You can still back away. You don't need to take anyone's heart."

Pan scoffed lightly, amusement was written in his eyes. "But I do."

"Isn't it lonely?" I asked. I was genuinely concerned for Pan, even if he wasn't the best guy ever.

Pan didn't say anything, he just stared into my eyes, telling me to drop the subject.

"It is, isn't it." I kept pushing, "Who were you before all of this?"

"No one I want to discuss." Pan's gaze sharpened, "Nah, I just need my youth. Let me tell you something that you clearly don't understand." He stepped closer to me, "life is full of secrets and lies. So when something goes wrong, don't act all that surprised."

I kept my head up, not allowing Pan to bully me. "What you need is someone who cares for you."

Pan looked away.

"That's what you really want. Is someone who will be there for you. I have a feeling you've never experienced that before. You have a hole in your heart which you're trying to fill."

Pan snapped his head toward me, "I do not need your pity. Now get out before I do something we both regret."

I sucked in a breath and turned around, but stopped at the door, "I once thought I fell for you, but I guess I was wrong; and I'm glad." I swung the door open, and stomped off.

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